It's also interesting that vblamer's and JBlaze's forks will both remove support for PGSQL and SQlite. I'll start counting the number of features they're taking verbatim from the Wedge Feature List... :niark:
PostgreSQL is, without doubt, a fine database, in some areas much better than MySQL, but its importance for forum installations is close to zero and I'm unsure about SQLite, which is also a very nice piece of software just not very important as a database for web applications.
I'll also kill support for PHP4, caching support for eAccelerator (doesn't make sense, because eAccel has been stripped from the required functionality) and Turk MMCache (doesn't make sense to support it when you're PHP5+). Furthermore, APC, XCache, memcached and the fallback method with disc caching should be enough options to cover the vast majority of installations.
I'm also considering wiping MySQL fulltext search, because it's pretty much useless when you have custom index (sufficient for most installations) and sphinx (for the big guys).
I hate legacy code that just sits there, making the code harder to read and maintain while doing absolutely nothing for 99% of all installations.