Maybe ARG refused them entry to his castle?
Just wondering. :eheh:
Just wondering. :eheh:
Then they modified log account information to show I was loged in while I was in hospital.
Why is a bully a bully?
Why do normally calm and rational people swarm a victim while others assist?
So yeah who knows? With logs and records that can be easily altered or deleted without leaving a trace there is no clear answer.
Arantor ive seen the logs, the last ip to change ARG's account was ARG. The last email change in his account was by ARG in January and changed the username of the account not the domain. No standard team members on SMF have access to change the accounts. ARG is BULLSHITTING and knows that he will get sympathy on here. ARG if you want it sorted email and stop spreading bullshit around and claiming a team member banned you!
ARG who you claiming altered your account? I see nothing that will prevent you from logging in, and I can assure you the Labradoodle has no power to alter your account in anyway except give you a warning, so do me a favor and stop the bullshit, honestly, you last logged in on 24 July your issue with Labradoodle was 23rd, im sure if he was that malice he would have done it on the 23rd but he couldnt as he doesnt have the power to. Now if you wanna argue that I am a team member at SMF and of course ill defend the team, you should ask Arantor, Nao, K@ etc how honest I am, and then look at the history of the team and I.