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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #60, on May 11th, 2011, 05:06 PM »
It has never been about about me being a troll or being accused of same, it has always been about their conduct and abuse of power.
Let me try a parallel - you get caught whizzing on some missus flowers. You had a need and did what you had to. You are caught and confronted with your inappropriate behaviour. Rather than deal with you conduct, or apologize from perhaps embarrassment that you been caught you go into defence mode and call your accuser a pervert for watching you handle your man hood. You continue with your accusation of him being a pervert until the issue of your conduct is no longer relevant. Pretty soon others are no longer concerned with your conduct, they have a pervert to deal with. The power of a word.  :whistle:
Pervert like troll is nothing more than a strong reactionary word. By this I mean people react to the word and not the issue at hand. It is a manipulative tool to defer the issue from your inappropriate conduct to the accuser. A smoke screen if you like to cloud the issue and divert attention from oneself onto another.
Points I raised some 6 months ago and since, have been lost because the offenders and their support group have successfully diverted having to answer or explain the issue by using this manipulative tool.
I have learned a long time ago, sticks and stones may break my bones but name will never hurt me, a little ditty my grand dad taught me because in my day, (I'm not surprised either that after 80+ this still applies) bullies taunted others who had differences like they do today. So being called a troll doesn't bother me but the inappropriate conduct towards me and I dare say many others, some who are here, is what is somewhat of a bother. How does that manipulator deal with this? He puts the onus on me and diverts attention from his conduct of calling people names because he has no explanation for the original issue and it give him/them a license for further abuse like changing ones avatar and making it impossible for the person to change their profile (in my case).
I have PM's from several others who this has happened to but wish not to stand up to them. Other forum platforms are over flowing with interest from many past SMF users for the same reason.
As many here know, before my time on SMF and now, offering constructive feedback is not an option. It falls on deaf ears, rather than deal with this and fix it, they defer the issue by name calling and smoke and mirrors.

@Nao or Arantor - if you want to move this post to another area, it's perfectly understandable as it is off topic somewhat.
Stick a FORK in it, it's done.
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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #61, on May 11th, 2011, 05:31 PM »
I would actually like to know what was the thing back then that started this all then?
But I also understand we are going hugely offtopic here...


  • Dadman with a boy
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Dismal Shadow

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   Jack in, Wedge,


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- more than just a forum <br />sorry for my english


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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #65, on May 26th, 2011, 10:26 PM »
Quote from Makar on May 26th, 2011, 09:52 PM
I saw smf without copyright
clicking on the links  :lol: :lol: :lol:
It could be a bug but I doubt it, Robbo knows SMF well enough to know by now...

The question is whether the team will pursue it or not since in theory in the next 5 days we should be free to remove the copyright as we see fit -- IF you're using 2.0.
When we unite against a common enemy that attacks our ethos, it nurtures group solidarity. Trolls are sensational, yes, but we keep everyone honest. | Game Memorial


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #69, on May 28th, 2011, 11:33 AM »
Yup, that was the plan.

You'll still get the sycophants who will cheer that the version has been bumped, but honestly, what are they cheering for? I pulled up the issue that a number of bugs have been deferred to 2.1 or later because they're minor bugs - even if they weren't introduced until 2.0 RC4 in one case...

I accept the position that all software has bugs, but to ship software as 'final' with dozens of known issues, that's ridiculous.


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #70, on May 28th, 2011, 12:39 PM »
I don't find it ridiculous. There are some bugs that are easy to overcome (or simply don't occur that often), which in some case is preferable to moving forward with a flawed fix.

What I find ridiculous, however:
- getting a bug report for something that happens a lot + a perfectly working fix, and not applying it....
- constantly insisting that you'll fix everything (when clearly this problem has already caused your software to be delayed by 3 years...)


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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #71, on May 28th, 2011, 12:50 PM »
That's not what I meant.

You have software that is long delayed, that has a number of bugs that are easy to fix, even with the code provided in some cases. Yet instead of fixing them, they were just deferred to the next version. Not because they were either easy or hard to fix, but because, and I quote the lead developer on more than one of these, they weren't "release worthy".

I could have accepted the position of deferring bugs to a later version if the bugs required a major amount of work to fix *and* there wasn't this "we will fix everything before release" BS that's been floating around for years.

Software is an iterative thing, and a release is a snapshot on an otherwise forward-moving road. I'm cool with that. But the number of deferred things and what has to happen next, they'll maybe fix the little bugs in 2.1 and defer the bigger stuff to 3.0, by which time they'll pretty much have to start fresh and nuke all the old bugs and create many new ones.

As it stands, deferring bugs because you essentially talked yourself into a corner is no way to behave. I even found yet another bug today which we already fixed in passing, I believe, without even discovering the bug itself. I could be nice and report it but it'll only be deferred to 2.1 to fix, so why bother? It's not like it's a security bug.


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #72, on May 28th, 2011, 11:24 PM »
Maybe we should really say that Wedge is the unofficial SMF 3.0 :P


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Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« Reply #73, on May 28th, 2011, 11:52 PM »
They'd love the change to wave their trademark e-peen in that direction ;)


  • Dadman with a boy
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