Can you read?
- They were looking for a license model.
- Pete (Arantor) suggested BSD. They took BSD.
- Then Pete suggested we include DP into Wedge. We decided to give it a try. Out of politeness, he told them what we'd do. He then got a backlash from the DP team, saying he wasn't allowed to do it. They didn't know SHIT about what BSD was, and yet they were complaining that this happened at all.
Pete has yet to receive an apology from the DP team about this.
Well, the full story is:
* Various devs came and went. Solomon and Chris remained the only really constant figures in charge, with everyone else being on the fence and back and forth.
* Early 2010 when I was basically full time on SimpleDesk, Chris came to me and talked me into helping. I said I'd take a look to see what I could do but that my time was limited, Chris seemed to think I agreed to develop it virtually singlehandedly.
* I took one look at the whole project and declared it chronically mismanaged. A lead developer whose idea of documentation was to ask him (which was fine until he had to go away on RL business), no licence, no CLA and no proper revision control. To a developer, that's not even providing the basic requirements.
* I talked through the choices of licences, they agreed with New BSD.
* I left, figuring that it just wasn't going to change, and SD was taking priority.
---- time passed ----
* Chris asked me to drop by occasionally and offer suggestions.
* Solomon makes a single comment about "the way some things should be done", I rebutted with points about why it wasn't necessarily the best way to go, cue 3 pages of ranting, that descended into personal insults (mostly from him)
* Sometime around there, the question came up for a portal for us. I suggested that we could look at it and see if there was anything we were interested in, but knowing that full well we would likely rewrite it anyway.
* This was mentioned to the DP team who took umbridge that we were looking to fork their work.
* They subsequently changed the licence, and we pointed out that we could if we wanted to but around that time, there were silly games being played over badges and we realised that we just didn't want the hassle.
But yeah.
Wheres the "power" in that? A portal, in the real sense, is about a whole website experience, all the things that make a forum MORE than a forum - not a addon that mimic some basic tools for it. By adding Aeva Wedge will already be more than a forum - and thus a better portal than any portal! ;D
That's the thing. We'll likely have such facilities in Wedge to control layout without code changes, but not quite how the portals do it now.