Off-topic / Re: Battlefield 3
« on November 1st, 2011, 04:28 AM »Because it does, the campaign is meh. Although I don't know about co-op since I haven't tried it but it only has 6 missions so it can't be that long.Quote from DirtRider on October 27th, 2011, 04:03 PM Will have my copy this side tomorrow :cool: Why do you say the SP sucks :wow:Quote from Dragooon on October 27th, 2011, 10:38 AM It came out 2 days ago and it's a fantastic game, anyone interested in FPS should give it one shot. The SP kinda sucks but the MP is absolutely brilliant, plus the graphics are awesome and it isn't that demanding.
Also, if anybody has it for PS3 and wants to play then send me a message.
Off-topic / Re: Google Galaxy Nexus
« on October 25th, 2011, 06:56 PM »That's exactly the same with OS updates or any other kind of system update, and would apply equally to Android ;)
It doesn't change with the context, whether it's a business desktop and business app or a personal mobile and personal app - if it's fundamentally different, you have to lose some time in relearning where things are.
I guess my points were mainly in terms of my personal interests than of other users.
I'm in India, we don't have contracts here. Heck, I have to import it from UK or US.
Plugins / Re: Using permissions in plugins
« on October 25th, 2011, 06:50 PM »
I'm confused here as to what you are saying here. Do you mean to allow mods to have their own separate permissions page in their ACP if they want, but otherwise keeping the smaller mods inside of the normal permission page?
Since there's no doubt going to be more of smaller add-ons than larger ones there's going to be less of a need for, let's say a BBC mod, to have a separate area for permissions. However for add-ons that do require their own settings area it would make sense that the permissions would be there instead of taking up the permissions page.
It depends on the mod, I suppose. It doesn't seem to be the kind of feature where you can have it one way or the other.
Since there's no doubt going to be more of smaller add-ons than larger ones there's going to be less of a need for, let's say a BBC mod, to have a separate area for permissions. However for add-ons that do require their own settings area it would make sense that the permissions would be there instead of taking up the permissions page.
It depends on the mod, I suppose. It doesn't seem to be the kind of feature where you can have it one way or the other.
Off-topic / Re: Google Galaxy Nexus
« on October 25th, 2011, 06:21 PM »As a developer, I have to disagree with that. It's all about the context. Businesses, for example, pretty much depend on software being static, partly because it's about risk evaluation and partly because of the inherent workflow involved in training staff on new software and systems.
I agree that changes to business software are a pain in the arse. At my job the point-of-sale software that we used was updated and a lot of us hated it because of how they changed the layout (some of still do, actually). You also get into the brouhaha of having to learn the ins-and-outs of the new system to get your productivity to the way it was before.
But while I can see iOS being used in business setting where things need to "just work", I don't feel that Android is made for that same market where they can't afford to change that much.
It's like they say: Different strokes for different folks. I'm glad at least that we have the option to choose which mobile OS we can use. :)
The source code for Gingerbread was released in a week or two after Nexus S' release AFAIK, we can only hope. I know Android is in a bit of mess right now but if ICS is any indication, it's in the right direction. It's trying to fight fragmentation and to be honest the interface is also being made simpler. I personally can't wait for it, hopefully it turns out well worth those 700-800$ I'm about to blow.
Off-topic / Re: Google Galaxy Nexus
« on October 25th, 2011, 03:44 AM »Hmm, I thought the Galaxy range were Samsung devices? I didn't realise Google built any of their own hardware...
That's all well and good for things in the main Android market. Unlike iOS where such things are pretty limited by nature and design, there are quite a few Android markets, with varying degrees of policing and quality. I have in particular heard horror stories about Amazon's app marketplace policies.
If we understand what you're trying to get at, does it matter that the terms aren't necessarily correct? I understand the meaning you're trying to convey, which is enough for me :)
I'm glad you understood though. :) With long posts my thoughts tend to be scatterbrained.
Jobs and co have always been fond of the notion that form follows function, and for the most part that's quite accurate in my experience.
On the flip side, there are problems inherent in that model. I don't want to have to go rummage through what's changed potentially every update. Even I as a developer like things to be where I left them, working how I expect them to.
Having more freedom doesn't implicitly demand or expect it to be used.
It's a tough call, and remember that while individual operators can get away with pushing their own variant if they choose, Apple can't because of the precedent it has set itself, of which consistency is amongst those things. Sure, things change between releases but for the most part, things are exactly where I left them, which is much easier on me as a user, and Apple considers the overall user experience pretty highly.
1. | Then again I've never used an iProduct aside from a Macbook so I can't really speak for any of the iOS devices. Only what I've seen from Conferences. |
Off-topic / Re: New coding music :D
« on October 25th, 2011, 01:47 AM »
Nao, you might like the OST for Angel Beats[1]. Also in the anime they had their own rock band which was really good called Girls Dead Monster (or GirlsDeMo as they are sometimes called). I saw some J-Music in your playlist which is why I feel I should recommended them to you.
Also, does anybody use any kind of online music service to listen to songs? Like Spotify or Pandora?
Also, does anybody use any kind of online music service to listen to songs? Like Spotify or Pandora?
1. | Not sure if you've seen it yet or not, but the music was amazing. |
Off-topic / Re: Google Galaxy Nexus
« on October 25th, 2011, 01:44 AM »I think that Android is the "Windows" of phones. I don't like the fact that every vendor can customize it and slow it down with tons of shitty widgets and other crap...
As for the phone I have the Nexus S right now, and it feels amazing in my hands. From the looks of it the Galaxy Nexus has the same kind of form factor which I'm very excited about. I'm also glad that they're doing away with the Search button on the bottom. That thing was useless.
One more thing.
...marketplace is not safe...
I rather like Android over iOS. When I look at them both it's like looking at two different paintings[1]. One is a realistic painting that is very clean and organized in what it's trying to represent, but it can't be much more than it is. A painting about a family eating dinner is just a family eating dinner. While Android is a lot more abstract. It has wild and crazy edges and harder to get a feel for. It can evolve in our minds based on what we see it as.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that iOS is very static, updates don't change the look and feel of it much but it's still a very solid product. Android has more freedom when it comes to updates, which makes me excited whenever a new major version is coming out because I'm curious to see what they've come up with next.
That's just my input on it. Though I hope that I haven't laid down the lines to derail this into a iOS vs. Android thread. Oh dear.
1. | I'm not an artist nor have I taken any classes in art so I may be getting the terms incorrect, but hopefully you'll get what I mean. |
Features / Re: New revs - Noob questions?
« on October 23rd, 2011, 03:14 AM »
Ah, I see now. Thanks a lot. :)
Features / Re: New revs - Noob questions?
« on October 23rd, 2011, 03:00 AM »
Thank you. Great idea. :) I'll probably be using this topic a lot!
There is one thing that I've always wondered as I read though the new revs: What do some of the "bullet points" mean? Like I know that the ! are for bugs, + is any addition, but what is the * for?
There is one thing that I've always wondered as I read though the new revs: What do some of the "bullet points" mean? Like I know that the ! are for bugs, + is any addition, but what is the * for?
The Pub / Re: When can I download Wedge? / Where can I download Wedge?
« on October 19th, 2011, 11:01 PM »I agree before you guys even think about releasing it it must be solid as you know how it is you have those waiting in the wings just to tear apart all the hard work you have put into it.
Sure. And I'm also a bit upset not being able to offer anything else than our conversations and commit reports... (And just because SMF doesn't provide realtime changelog doesn't change anything to that.)
1. | Or 161 kph, if you prefer. |
The Pub / [Archive] Re: Logo Madness
« on October 17th, 2011, 05:32 AM »
I like the mix of green and brown. It gives it a very "earthly" quality to it, which I like a lot.
The Pub / Re: Spell checker
« on October 11th, 2011, 03:07 AM »If the spell checker is removed from core, it means that it becomes easier to write xx-locale language packs, e.g. Pirate :D
1. | Even if it is just in the realm of "sure, it's possible"... |
Off-topic / Re: RIP Steve Jobs
« on October 6th, 2011, 06:41 AM »
Indeed. He was one of the figures where you never imaged seeing them leave from their spot because it's silly to think that someone else could be there but them. I always thought that he would just be to overcome his cancer. Maybe not back to 100%, but I never imaged it finally catching up to him. It's almost surreal. Reading news about Apple isn't going to be the same anymore.
Off-topic / Re: Support policy
« on October 5th, 2011, 06:08 PM »
One thought popped into my mind about this: Will plugins who add functionality into the Admin Panel also be able to be found via the search? How will that work?
Features / Re: New revs - Public comments
« on October 4th, 2011, 05:25 PM »
Maybe you'll find it easier to bike instead of jog?