What happend to Sinan?


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #15, on July 21st, 2011, 12:44 AM »
bbPress sucks. How can you compare that to SMF :P

SimpleForum for WordPress would be a much better guess. At least it seems to be usable like a forum (rather than focus on layout/design.)
Still, it's a far cry from Wedge or even SMF...


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Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #17, on July 21st, 2011, 04:01 PM »
From what I heard, SiNaN had actually said he wasn't going to code on SMF after final was released for quite a long time. There's nothing recent that made him quit that I'm aware of. I've also heard that he is going to develop on core with Norv though. So I don't think he's completely out of the picture.
Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #18, on July 21st, 2011, 04:35 PM »
Quote from Kat on July 20th, 2011, 07:56 PM
What happened? Jim got voted back in! How? Because the other team leads voted for him!
Really K@? The vote ended at 8-7 in Jim's favor. At the time I think there was about 13-14 support members and 6 Leads (includes PM). There's no way the Team Leads swayed the vote in this. I happen to know at least 2 of the Leads voted for Lex. If they did, it's because the support team didn't all vote. And why shouldn't a Lead get to vote on a person that they have to work with? If you were so hell bent on getting Jim out, you should have taken it upon yourself to bring the problems you saw out into the open long before a vote on it. Not everyone spends the amount of time you did on the board, so really nobody knew what you did.


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Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #19, on July 21st, 2011, 04:48 PM »
Except that bringing the problems into the open wouldn't have changed anything because what I'm seeing is a repeat of 2 years ago, just with different names. Nothing seems to have changed from what I can see from outside the wall. But the same sorts of lines were being used when I could see inside the wall, ergo I can only assume that nothing has changed.

The question I put to you before, which you went off at a tangent answering (if I remember rightly) is simple: how can people be on a team, with a badge (and sometimes additionally a title) that indicates they have responsibilities when they seem to be able to shirk that responsibility at will? If someone isn't living up to the responsibilities they have been charged with, and presumably accepted, why are they still given said responsibilities? And please don't give me the 'we're all volunteers' crap, because it doesn't wash, simply because it's long since stopped being a reason and started being an excuse. Being a volunteer doesn't mean you can shirk responsibility: if you accept it, follow up on it, and if you can't, step back from that responsibility. End of story.

Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #20, on July 21st, 2011, 04:58 PM »
Well despite whatever outward appearances you are seeing, I can attest that things have indeed changed. While it's certainly not perfect and will never be, conversations are much more civil and are handled much better IMO. Otherwise I wouldn't be on the team.

As for the responsibilities I agree to a certain extent. I don't mind if someone shirks their duty for their own personal reasons. If it's a continual thing and they never do team duties, then yes I'll bring it up. In fact, I already have with at least 3 members of my own team. But it's not so cut and dry as it comes off in your post. You have to allow for some wiggle room. And some times that room needs to happen a little often until things get settled in ones personal life.


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #21, on July 21st, 2011, 07:50 PM »
Quote from IchBin on July 21st, 2011, 04:58 PM
Well despite whatever outward appearances you are seeing, I can attest that things have indeed changed. While it's certainly not perfect and will never be, conversations are much more civil and are handled much better IMO. Otherwise I wouldn't be on the team.
Oddly, I haven't heard back officially from the SMF team since... last November?
I'm still banned over there, lost friend status etc.
Not that I care at all (it's been a while since I cared), but I don't call this "much more civil". Given that they're now openly acknowledging that they're censoring mentions of Wedge (as Illori said herself a few days ago, which I'm surprised nobody pointed out as abusive), you'll have a hard time convincing me they're doing anything these days in a 'civil' manner.


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Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #22, on July 21st, 2011, 08:21 PM »
I think K@ and Sinan are both much missed at simplemachines.org
That's what I think.

I miss Nao and Arantor at simplemachines.org, too.
I'm an SMF doc writer.


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Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #23, on July 21st, 2011, 08:28 PM »
Any serious support apart from 'click here' 'click there' 'go to admin> blah blah' is getting less and less over there now as more and more of the serious players are coming over to Wedge.

Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #24, on July 22nd, 2011, 11:40 AM »
Quote from IchBin on July 21st, 2011, 04:35 PM
And why shouldn't a Lead get to vote on a person that they have to work with?
Because that can lead to cliques.

Cliques are bad news.
Quote from IchBin on July 21st, 2011, 04:35 PM
If you were so hell bent on getting Jim out, you should have taken it upon yourself to bring the problems you saw out into the open long before a vote on it. Not everyone spends the amount of time you did on the board, so really nobody knew what you did.
I tried. Oh, how I tried...


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #25, on July 22nd, 2011, 11:43 AM »
(Road Rash, didn't you post a testimony here, yesterday, about the SMF team's lack of "civil manners"?)

Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #26, on July 22nd, 2011, 11:51 AM »
My belief is that some of that can be put down to cultural differences, in many cases.

It's merely perception.

Not all, sadly. But quite a few.

Re: What happend to Sinan?
« Reply #28, on July 22nd, 2011, 04:20 PM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on July 22nd, 2011, 11:43 AM
(Road Rash, didn't you post a testimony here, yesterday, about the SMF team's lack of "civil manners"?)
yes I did but the more I thought about it the more it appeared to sound like sour grapes so I removed it. That and it was a year of torment by one individual with several who jumped on the band wagon that I'd rather forget. For many all they would have to do is take their blinders off and visit their site to see "civil manners" has gone down the civic toilet.

It's strange how a current situation unrelated to the great war is very similar. I guess the mentality of the school yard bully never changes from generation to generation. Face to face they are a coward, yet behind the keyboard they display the bravado of a swarming juvenile crowd. Gang Bangers I think the term is.

Only these guys use verbal attacks (word games and show a skill of twisting what a person says I have not seen since the Gestapo interrogations) and manipulation of facts and records to hide their deeds.

Fortunately as far as the consortium is concerned they have withdrawn support for this years R&D grant of $75,000.00 and have moved on. Since my bypass I have been relieved of several key positions but continue to work on my other passion, riding and flying. And when not doing either, reading this forum is good therapy and keeps the grey matter active. :cool:
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