Except that bringing the problems into the open wouldn't have changed anything because what I'm seeing is a repeat of 2 years ago, just with different names. Nothing seems to have changed from what I can see from outside the wall. But the same sorts of lines were being used when I could see inside the wall, ergo I can only assume that nothing has changed.
The question I put to you before, which you went off at a tangent answering (if I remember rightly) is simple: how can people be on a team, with a badge (and sometimes additionally a title) that indicates they have responsibilities when they seem to be able to shirk that responsibility at will? If someone isn't living up to the responsibilities they have been charged with, and presumably accepted, why are they still given said responsibilities? And please don't give me the 'we're all volunteers' crap, because it doesn't wash, simply because it's long since stopped being a reason and started being an excuse. Being a volunteer doesn't mean you can shirk responsibility: if you accept it, follow up on it, and if you can't, step back from that responsibility. End of story.