The way you were involved with SMF and the way they treated you is completely different to the way I have been involved or have been treated.
I suppose if I had ever been so committed myself to work for the community and they had done to me half of the things they did to you I would be VERY VERY angry, but they couldn't really tell me anything wrong as I have never been a part of the team there (apart from the translation team).
in a volunteer environment, you volunteer for things to do. They're not assignments, they're things you've indicated you're going to do. If you say you're going to then don't, you shouldn't have taken it in the first place.
Completely agree. And that's another reason for me to keep my account there.
After I wrote the anti-spam mods I feel a kind of obligation with the people using them. Most of them (99% at least) are normal users with no relation at all with the SMF directive. It's not their fault if I don't agree with the directive. They are just people with spammers in their forums who trusted me to help them fight the spammers.
I will love to tell all of them "You want a forum free of spammers: Forget SMF and upgrade to Wedge" but I cannot do that yet. Maybe after Wedge is ready my account in SMF will be no use for me any longer, but in the mean time I need it to sort bugs in those mods and to answer the people with problems in the support topics.
[side note]
You may have noticed I have been using the word "upgrade" in the last week every time I talk about changing from SMF to Wedge. It implies the idea that Wedge is not a competitor of SMF, but a superior version of the same codebase.
[/side note]