... use SSI.php ! ;)
[Flames] Re: Dream Portal
« Reply #15, on April 1st, 2011, 07:44 AM »
We aren't doing it for you. I personally do not give two hoots if anyone uses it or not. I at least am doing it for me, for my use and making sure that I build it to cope with whatever others want to throw at it. So you can jump up and down and say you'll make the switch if we add a bunch of features that I at least am not overly interested in and as stated are implementing mostly to prevent people whining at us (less people whining about things that don't need fixing = less support hassles = more time we can actually code), but that sounds like an ultimatum to me, and I don't do so good with those.
Here's the deal: we're going to add features, that we want to use, that hopefully others will want to use too, and we release it. You install it side by side, try it out and if you like it enough, you keep it. Otherwise you ditch it and stick with your existing stuff.
That works great with me because you get the freedom to try without any obligation on your part, we get to release it without any obligation on our part, everyone's a winner. Except the people who tell us what we should or should not do, who will likely end up very unsatisfied because we're not building their dream platform, but building OUR dream platform that isn't quite up to their perfect standards.
We're not holding a gun to your head, we're not demanding you use it, nor are we begging for you to use it. When it's ready, it gets out there, and it's YOUR choice whether you try it, not ours, and throwing me a line of 'if you add x, I'll make the jump' doesn't inspire me at all. It actually makes me less interested because I have no time to cater to people who want it exactly their way.
Do not repeat mistakes MaxsiteCMS.
There , too, not to listen to the users .
I'm not responsible for DP anymore so really I don't have anything to say. And respectfully put, the vote was against to allow the inclusion of DP inside of any other software.
You find it odd because I read a topic that interests me? You're instigating an argument that shouldn't even exist.
i do have a question, can simple portal be used with wedge, i use it quite extesively on myfewclicks.com and will have to have something similar in order to port over.
![]() | The way it's meant to be |
I'm afraid DP is quite dead and there's nothing we can do about it. May I add that we'd rather not have Dream Portal flames around here?
I only moved this topic among others to the public area because I made some mass topic moves and barely read the contents (only checked that it didn't have any private stuff in it.)
Regarding DP, it's bad mojo to us.
Last year, at the suggestion of Arantor, they chose to go BSD.
Then, when we started discussing writing portal features for Wedge, Dream Portal came into it and we decided to look into forking it for Wedge, since it's allowed, and we already had one of the DP developers onboard (and one of its project managers IIRC).
Well, turned out that the Dream Portal project lead(s) was/were adamantly against it... And when you start questioning your very own license, there's a problem with the way you're dealing with your project.
In the end, we just felt this behavior was too childish that it could hurt the quality of the work that its developers put into it. And we decided against using Dream Portal at all.
In the end we'll probably write everything by ourselves. It will take time but that's what we get for playing things fair and square. :P (It's a good thing I wrote AeMe, innit? It would be awful if I couldn't reuse it eheh.)
Because at the time we were looking at it, it was the only one that had a forkable licence, and seeing that live's around here, it sort of made sense to consider it.
You didn't answer my question. Why Fork it instead trying to be a part of the DP team and make it better?