This is the old version, there is now v2.0. To get the old version, check out the v1 branch in the repository.
Here we go, first Plugin from me <_<.
First i'm not that good and experienced coder but i like wedge and its quite fun to play with it. Therefore i thought to create a small plugin. It's still alpha and not recommend for public usage because there are still some bad bugs ^^ But perhaps someone is interested in it. It's really not finished because im struggling with some problems with which some of you perhaps can help me :blush:.
But first github url :D
Im using the display_post_done hook to replace the hide(-reply) stuff and check if user is allowed to do so. But perhaps the bbcode stuff in plugin-info.xml is bether? I understood some basic things of that xml block but just discovered that before/after stuff which is not what i need. I need to decide whether the user is allowed to see it or not ^^ Therefore a param in the bbcodeblock which links to a function or something like that would be very nice and surely cool for other plugins
The next problem is that there's no hook in the quickquode stuff which allows to look into the hidden code ^^
If i could fix one of those two problems it would be perhaps ready for "real" use.
Of course any feedback is welcome except for "hide mods are stupid and a foolish thing because of...". I know that there are people who don't like it because of the useless spam posts and stuff but also a lot people like it :eheheh:
Posted: February 4th, 2014, 09:01 PM
A small update: looked again into hooks and stuff and found post_bbc_parse. Sounds right but for some reasons it doesnt works like i supposed it would. And we would need a sqlquery to discover which postid this post has and bbcode would also work in Shoutbox/PM?! Where it's kinda useless :D And for some reasons first posts seems to be cached or the hook doesnt get called whats not good for this type of plugin ^^ ManagePlugins --> knownHooks is quiet interesting ;)
Posted: February 5th, 2014, 05:47 PM
Nobody any ideas? :sob: