This Plugin basically shows in profile summary how many likes this user gave/receieved. You can also view those posts.
Well, I guess I'm lucky, since I couldn't remember where your repo was (I still don't :P), I didn't update it, so I could have redone the same thing you did... As I said, I'm lucky, because I hate wasting time. :P
Hmm, I noticed that doesn't seem to enable my plugins when I try to turn them on... It only accepts one, I don't know why. So weird.
On line 90, $context['is_topics'] is undefined... It's copy-pasted from Profile-View.php, where it's defined earlier...
I just removed that code block, working fine now.
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Likes_Notifier' not found in /opt/sites/ on line 90
# self::$notifiers['likes'] = new Likes_Notifier();
# self::$notifiers['likes_thought'] = new Likes_Thought_Notifier();
do you get the error because of the CountLikes Plugin?