
  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #615, on November 24th, 2013, 01:38 PM »
- I've taken the liberty to move the topic to the public area. There's nothing to hide in it, and I wanted to celebrate page 42 on a geeky topic. Whatever.[1]

- I rewatched bits of the episode. I have to say, the French translator of Doctor Who does a really bad job. And she's being paid for that, I guess. Yesterday I saw a Big Bang Theory episode on French TV where Raj was saying he'd always be known as the guy who got a girlfriend *after* Sheldon. The subtitles read, 'as the guy who got fooled by Sheldon'. Oh, my. Seriously, I'm appreciative that French TV is starting to show original language versions with subtitles everywhere, but sometimes, I can really do without subs of that 'quality'... As a result, I had to fetch the BBC subtitles, and that was better.

So, basically, the French translation made it very clear that the Curator wasn't the Doctor. What I heard, and it was confirmed by the English subtitles, is that he IS the Doctor, at a very old age, 'revisiting' his old favorite faces. Holy cow...
The whole 'sand shoes' thing was also translated as 'baskets', which is French for 'atheltic shoes'. It isn't the same at all, is it..?! In France, we'd just say Converses. Plus his shoes in the episode were definitely not what we'd call baskets in France. More like 'tennis' (I need to have a better look to confirm). Or again, Converses. That kind of approximative translation happened all the time during the episode, it was a bit frustrating.

- A short 18-second deleted scene was also released on YouTube, but I didn't get the 'not since Richmond' line, so I guess the joke fell flat to me.

- I read criticism about the fact that Moffat often offers a deus-ex-machina to resolve his stories. That's true. That was the case here. But how many times have you watched a procedural where we find out at the last minute that the killer was someone we could never have expected because of a clue that the writer never told us about..? That's exactly the same. As long as it's a fun ride, it doesn't matter how it ends.

- All in all, it was a great episode, possibly the best in years (mostly thanks to all of the great cameos.)
 1. Heck, there's nothing to hide in 99% of the private area. It was only 'private' because Wedge was a private project at the time. I would move everything to public, but I don't think I can do that on a whim. Especially as it may put Pete in a bad position with SMF, considering all he said about them... :whistle:


  • Posts: 118
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #616, on November 24th, 2013, 04:16 PM »
Hmm. I missed it (was on a party yesterday), but it seems I should watch it now. I could avoid all spoilers (except the previous mini-episode) until today. :ph34r:

(Good thing this is on a new page...)


  • Posts: 356
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #617, on November 24th, 2013, 05:47 PM »
It was pretty brilliant, wasn't it? I know I loved it to bits. :P Have to wonder what happened to the Zygons, actually! Great to see them again, though!
"The entire British Empire was built on cups of tea … and if you think I'm going to war without one, mate, you're mistaken."


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #618, on November 24th, 2013, 06:08 PM »
@forumsearch0r, you'll be hard pressed to avoid spoilers for this, as everyone who's interested in this has probably already watched it by now, since it was simulcast all over the world. ;)

@Aaron> I'm guessing, well... Maybe, just maybe, their planet wasn't destroyed in the time war in the end? (Assuming it was close to Gallifrey and was caught up in the explosion, or something?) I don't remember how it was told. Anyway, last we saw of them, they were 'negotiating' with the Humans, but I doubt this means they gave them land underground, because there are already lizards in there. :P


  • Posts: 118
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #619, on November 24th, 2013, 07:25 PM »
Now, while watching it: I surely missed David, obviously. Too bad Christopher's missing though.


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #620, on November 25th, 2013, 08:53 AM »
Quote from Bloc on November 17th, 2013, 12:21 AM

Heh, it seems 1080p is whats being offered, the one I found was "only" 720p. Me wants :D
Had a quick look online, and it's so obviously an upscale, it's not even funny.
It just looks like the print quality for the TV re-runs I've been seeing on France4 a few months ago for series 1. That is, "DVD quality, but a tad better."
Nothing to run home for...

Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #621, on November 25th, 2013, 06:36 PM »
Sadly I agreed - got a hold of the actual files and its upscaled alright.

Oh well.


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #622, on November 25th, 2013, 09:43 PM »
So, it's not even as good as the files you saw flying around earlier..?

Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #623, on November 25th, 2013, 10:26 PM »
Well, partly - the season 2 file I saw earlier was/is slightly better than the normal 480p I had from before, could even pass for a inferior 720p...but seeing the first season now it its clear that its just upscaled resolutions all the way.

At least its nice to see the old episodes again, reminded me really how very accidentally I stumbled over it. Saw a episode from season 3 believing it was a straight comedy, and realized not. :D Then playing catch-up in season 1-3, and from there on following as they came out.


  • Posts: 118
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #624, on November 26th, 2013, 01:55 AM »
Season 1 (from the 2005 series) already is pure comedy. Everything after the boring love movie from '96 is. (Except the very few slightly serious episodes, like "Blink".)
Dalek: I will talk to the Doctor.
The Doctor: Oh, will you? That's nice. Hello!

(Basically, I just LOL'd quite loudly at "The Day of the Doctor". "Got a name?" "Yes." "Good, I've always wanted to meet someone called Yes." - Heh heh.)

I'm positive that "DW" is meant to be serious science-fiction :whistle: but...

Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #625, on November 26th, 2013, 07:14 AM »
Basically you are just saying the same as I did then. I said its not "straight comedy" and its not. If it had been I would have lost interest anyway.


  • Posts: 118
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #626, on November 26th, 2013, 11:15 AM »
You're not into irony, are you?

Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #627, on November 26th, 2013, 01:13 PM »
Nope, I prefer straight talk. And besserwissers are about the worst I can think of.


  • Posts: 118
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #628, on November 26th, 2013, 01:31 PM »
Why so (hypo)critical with yourself?


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #629, on November 28th, 2013, 01:19 PM »
Quote from Bloc on November 25th, 2013, 10:26 PM
At least its nice to see the old episodes again, reminded me really how very accidentally I stumbled over it. Saw a episode from season 3 believing it was a straight comedy, and realized not. :D
I had the exact thing happen to me -- except with Babylon 5. Pretty much the first scene I saw had Centauris in it. With the weird wigs. I thought it was a low-budget parody Star Trek parody. Turned out, it was a low-budget Star Trek killer. Not the same thing. :P