
  • Dadman with a boy
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Doctor Who
« on April 24th, 2011, 11:02 AM »
Okay, we need our own topic for this...
Given that it's a bit complicated to discuss it thoroughly in thoughts, especially when it comes to posting videos, images and spoiler tags.

So, I just wanted to say I loved the first episode, but I think I hated it more. I loved the scene where River talks to Rory in private. I loved Mark Sheppard's character (too bad he won't be a regular here). I loved River and Rory in general, Amy was a bit less exuberant than in season 5 (I don't know what to think about that), and the Doctor pissed me off with being so crazy as usual with his new incarnation. Although I loved him in season 5, I think I tend to miss David Tennant's more 'human' incarnation of him. I was hoping for the Doctor to become more human again, but obviously this isn't going to happen. He's just... alien. Which makes sense, but...

Anyway, so here are my theories. About River.

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Last season, I think she said she was in prison for killing someone, someone she loved. I thought "The Doctor, maybe?". But it didn't make sense. Well, now it does... It's obviously her in the spacesuit. For some reason, she kills him. Maybe because she wants David Tennant back? I don't know. I wouldn't blame her.

Another theory... Amy said she was pregnant. Okay, Amy Pond, pregnant... With whom? Why not River Song? She's from the future after all. Pond, River... River Pond, River Song... (Uh what's Amy's new last name already? :P)
Plus, there's a kid in the spacesuit... Maybe it's River Song again. I don't know.

And about the Silents... I can't help but think when I look at them, "Are they supposed to represent the average Americain's TV attention span?" After all, the first thing the Silent does is kill an American woman who can't seem to remember him... And to me, this episode was obviously not tailored for the average American TV viewer. They'll just get confused by so much happening.

One of the things that annoy me about Moffat's treatments in season 5 is how packed they are, story-wise. It's like he's afraid that people are going to be bored... But my favorite episodes in season 5 were not these action-packed episodes -- there you ago, the Van Gogh episode was plain fantastic, the Lodger episode was great, and even that Moffat thing in space was pretty cool to me (it was more akin to Moffat's good old style with children in the center of the story.) (And he's back to that in 6x01 obviously.)

Here's wondering if I'm not more excited about the upcoming season 2 of Sherlock... Seriously, 1x01 blew my mind last year.

Or maybe season 4 of Merlin... What? Now that's not a complicated show, ah ah. They're starting the Pierrefonds (Camelot) shoot next Tuesday, and my girlfriend wants to go there and see if they've already set up the sets for the show -- it's very likely. Well, that'd be fun. After all, I never got to see the sets for Kaamelott[1]. (I love it when I put a footnote right at the end of a post.)
 1. Best French show ever-- and they shot the first 3 seasons about 2km from my place. But I didn't even know at the time. They only said that once they'd moved their studios to Lyon...


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #1, on April 24th, 2011, 12:44 PM »
Hmm, it's now a co-production between BBC Cardiff and BBC America but, like the CSI series, does acknowledge there is a more demanding American audience who appreciate a good story which makes you think.

The control area built underground by the Silent looks remakably like the control area in the first floor of the house in the episodes of The Lodger.

It'll be interesting to see how the storyline progresses throughout the series.


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #2, on April 24th, 2011, 03:42 PM »
So, let's recap what we do know.

S5, River tells the Doctor + Amy that she was in prison for killing a man. Father Octavian says the man was 'a good man, a hero to many'. Right now we're all supposed to be thinking the Doctor on that basis. The Doctor also asks River if he can trust her, and she replies, "If you like."

Spoilers all relate to S6E1 itself, so as not to put out anyone who hasn't seen that yet but I consider anything from S5 fair game.

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River says that her and the Doctor are travelling in opposite directions, and one day she's going to meet him and he won't know who she is. We've seen this - it was Silence in the Library. The Doctor has yet to tell her his real name, I doubt Moffat will tell us, though!

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The person shooting the Doctor is someone River knows, because when she tries to shoot the astronaut, it doesn't work and she realises why. The only way that can work is if she knows who it is. Presumably it can't be her as a child, because if it were, she'd remember it.

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The new race, the Silents, intrigues me. Clearly they're manipulative, and can not only make you forget, they can also make you think things you weren't thinking before - and not just through fear.

They intrigue me more because the message from the previous season was that *Silence* will fall, not *The silence* will fall.

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Both River and Amy felt sick after seeing the Silents and having their memory adjusted. But I think Amy saying she's pregnant is a misdirection. After all, "if I always told you the truth, I wouldn't need you to trust me."
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #3, on April 24th, 2011, 05:14 PM »
Freekin'  crazy people.
The way it's meant to be


  • As powerful as possible, as complex as necessary.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #4, on April 24th, 2011, 06:18 PM »
One other thing I'll add.

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"Don't play games with me. Don't ever think you are capable of that." -- the Doctor.

Why am I getting spidey-sense tingles of an arc like the Seventh Doctor, that he isn't just this daft old mad man with a box, but in reality a slightly Machiavellian figure who doesn't play chess with pieces on a board, but with lives and destinies?


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,080
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #5, on April 24th, 2011, 07:41 PM »
Well, these are interesting theories indeed... I guess we'll have to wait and see! Moffat always likes to surprise us. Fun :)

Unrelated, but we did go to Pierrefonds today. Didn't see much 'evidence' that they were starting to shoot Merlin S4 over there, but the last picture shows proof of it. The weather was awfully hot but it was a great afternoon.


  • As powerful as possible, as complex as necessary.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #6, on April 24th, 2011, 08:33 PM »
Awesome :)

Nice to see pretty URLs support on the URLs there actually ;)


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,080
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #7, on April 24th, 2011, 08:48 PM »
Wasn't it already the case at noisen...?
(I actually had the media gallery completely broken in here. I had to remove everything because I deleted all files by mistake and the albums and pics were pointing to non-existent files. :-/)


  • Great Britain's Eurovision result...arghhhh !!
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #8, on April 24th, 2011, 08:48 PM »

(Puff, pant) Bit of a tight squeeze in here until those trans-dimensional circuits arrive. Nao said to connect the red wire to this terminal, the blue one to that and the green one to...


  • As powerful as possible, as complex as necessary.
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #9, on April 24th, 2011, 08:54 PM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on April 24th, 2011, 08:48 PM
Wasn't it already the case at noisen...?
(I actually had the media gallery completely broken in here. I had to remove everything because I deleted all files by mistake and the albums and pics were pointing to non-existent files. :-/)
I didn't ever notice it before... Doesn't mean it wasn't there before :P

Dismal Shadow

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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #10, on April 25th, 2011, 02:06 AM »
Quote from Arantor on April 24th, 2011, 08:54 PM
Quote from Nao/Gilles on April 24th, 2011, 08:48 PM
Wasn't it already the case at noisen...?
(I actually had the media gallery completely broken in here. I had to remove everything because I deleted all files by mistake and the albums and pics were pointing to non-existent files. :-/)
I didn't ever notice it before... Doesn't mean it wasn't there before :P
Your eyes deceives you.  :niark:
“I will stand on my ground as an atheist until your god shows up...If my irreligious bothers you much, and if you think everything I do is heresy to your god I don't care. Heresy is for those who believe, I don't. So, it isn't heresy at all!

   Jack in, Wedge,


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #11, on April 25th, 2011, 02:10 PM »
Yup, start of season 6 (Matt Smith/11th Doctor's second season)


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #12, on April 25th, 2011, 03:31 PM »
Hopefully you didn't miss the Christmas episode either! That one was a keeper. (Well, I liked the "Next Doctor" one, but the new one really rocked. Moffat at his best.)

* Nao/Gilles enjoys seeing so many Who fans here!

Dismal Shadow

  • Madman in a Box
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  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #14, on April 25th, 2011, 04:40 PM »
Not a problem... You're missing out but that's your choice :p