
  • Posts: 356
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #600, on November 15th, 2013, 04:44 PM »
Oh, the usual. I use 'HTTPS Everywhere' in Firefox, so all YouTube urls are using https instead of http for me. The only difference is the protocol that prefixes the url. :)

As for the TV movie... It's rather silly (if not awful) story-wise, but Paul McGann's performance is superb. Loved him in the few audio novels I've listened to, too.
"The entire British Empire was built on cups of tea … and if you think I'm going to war without one, mate, you're mistaken."


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #601, on November 15th, 2013, 05:09 PM »
Quote from Aaron on November 15th, 2013, 04:44 PM
Oh, the usual. I use 'HTTPS Everywhere' in Firefox, so all YouTube urls are using https instead of http for me. The only difference is the protocol that prefixes the url. :)
So, I guess my fix should work...


Yup, it did get the https URL, and turned it into http at cache time. Is that okay with you..?
Quote from Aaron on November 15th, 2013, 04:44 PM
As for the TV movie... It's rather silly (if not awful) story-wise, but Paul McGann's performance is superb. Loved him in the few audio novels I've listened to, too.
Then I guess it's surprising he didn't get the part in the remake.
If anything, his performance in here seems to me like a bit of a mix between Eccleston and Tennant. Maybe I'm mistaken, but... :P


  • Posts: 356
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #602, on November 15th, 2013, 09:02 PM »
Probably because by 2005, Big Finish had already done loads of audio adventures with him. Returning him proper in the TV series, without effectively retconning all he's done in the audio series, would involve quite a few issues with copyright, I guess. That, and the copyright for the TV movie is technically with Fox, I'm told.

Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #603, on November 16th, 2013, 12:33 PM »
I must admit the older series doesn't hold that fascination with me as the 2005 onwards episodes. Child of my age and all that lol, but the reboot did spur new life in the series for a reason. Still, fun occasionally of course.

I want that new Bluray release with season 1-7 (2005-2012) in 720/1080p though,preferably for Christmas but we'll see.. :D . Having those seasons in HD will be awesome.


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #604, on November 16th, 2013, 11:23 PM »
Quote from Bloc on November 16th, 2013, 12:33 PM
I must admit the older series doesn't hold that fascination with me as the 2005 onwards episodes.
I suppose you'd have to be British, and have seen the show when you were a kid on a Saturday afternoon.
Just like I'm a diehard fan of Saint Seiya, which is a silly show, but I watched it as a kid, and there's no better soundtrack than this for me, and no better character-design, and no better nekketsu, and no better handling of Norse mythology (okay, it's pretty much alone in that area), etc. When watching old episodes now, I have to say I'd understand that newcomers would find the show to be boring or overdone or just plain ridiculous. But to me, it's just the perfect, ideal, forever-best anime I can think of.
Quote from Bloc on November 16th, 2013, 12:33 PM
Child of my age and all that lol, but the reboot did spur new life in the series for a reason. Still, fun occasionally of course.
I don't know, I never got around to watching an *entire* arc of the old show. I tried Genesis of the Daleks and it was boring as hell. I tried Pyramids of Mars and the costumes were too damn laughable. I tried really, really hard with City of Death (as it's set in Paris, is written by Douglas Adams and has a bit part with John Cleese), but as soon as the episode starts, you have to go through five minutes of a ridiculous alien in his spacecraft and cheap SFX. Come on.

Eye of the beholder, eh.
I want that new Bluray release with season 1-7 (2005-2012) in 720/1080p though,preferably for Christmas but we'll see.. :D . Having those seasons in HD will be awesome.
Really, they're releasing the first seasons in HD..? But they were all shot in 4/3 480p to begin with, weren't they..?

Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #605, on November 17th, 2013, 12:21 AM »Last edited on November 17th, 2013, 12:30 AM by Bloc
Yes, but the material have been re-digitized because the quality IS better, judging from some illegal copies I found on the net(..). At least to 720p, I don't think its possible to do proper 1080p, you start seeing the tweening pixels then. But then again, resizing techniques have come a long way since..well, forever.


Heh, it seems 1080p is whats being offered, the one I found was "only" 720p. Me wants :D
I don't know, I never got around to watching an *entire* arc of the old show. I tried Genesis of the Daleks and it was boring as hell. I tried Pyramids of Mars and the costumes were too damn laughable. I tried really, really hard with City of Death (as it's set in Paris, is written by Douglas Adams and has a bit part with John Cleese), but as soon as the episode starts, you have to go through five minutes of a ridiculous alien in his spacecraft and cheap SFX. Come on.

Eye of the beholder, eh.
Exactly. Doctor Who is always a bit camp, funny props etc. but the old ones is often just well, too silly and distracting. Heightening the series up to proper effects - but still doing the goofy effects here and there - really made it interesting. You know its all fun - but it has some threads of facts/dilemmas/paradox in them. An example, the future episodes in almost every seasons 2005 onwards..always something about society that is brought up, often common themes in serious sci-fi literature/films(NOT the Star Wars/Star Trek stuff).

And the brits do have advantage in this area, they can really combine that seriousness with goofy/dark humour. And if done good, even frightening so. A fav of mine in that respect is the movie "Children of Men".


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  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #607, on November 19th, 2013, 09:24 AM »
Quote from Bloc on November 17th, 2013, 12:21 AM
Yes, but the material have been re-digitized because the quality IS better, judging from some illegal copies I found on the net(..). At least to 720p, I don't think its possible to do proper 1080p, you start seeing the tweening pixels then. But then again, resizing techniques have come a long way since..well, forever.
I've never seen/heard of a 720p copy of an Eccleston or Tennant production around. Which one(s) are you thinking of..?
As for upscaling, all of the BluRay upscales I've seen in my life were horrible. Oh, my, my eyes still ache at the thought of Blue Submarine 6... Was such a great show, and so proud of its tech advancements at the time (it was one of the first anime to (clumsily) integrate 3D), and the BluRay release is just a resized 480p. Really, I have yet to see a proper upscale that 'guesses' intermediate pixels instead of interpolating them. Any examples..?

Thankfully, not all re-releases are badly done. For instance, one of my favorite movies -- "Waga seishun no Arcadia" (I'm sure you saw it as a kid) is absolutely stunning in its 720p remastered edition.
Quote from Bloc on November 17th, 2013, 12:21 AM
An example, the future episodes in almost every seasons 2005 onwards..always something about society that is brought up, often common themes in serious sci-fi literature/films(NOT the Star Wars/Star Trek stuff).
Star Trek is way more attuned with society issues than Doctor Who has never been, AFAIK.
I don't mean to say Doctor Who is not, or was never relevant societally. But Star Trek, while it came later, pioneered the whole concept of using alien civilizations to represent human dystopias.
Quote from Bloc on November 17th, 2013, 12:21 AM
And the brits do have advantage in this area, they can really combine that seriousness with goofy/dark humour. And if done good, even frightening so. A fav of mine in that respect is the movie "Children of Men".
I don't see CoM has having any kind of humour, but then again, maybe I never understood Cuaron's cinema... :lol: (Come to think of it, maybe Little Princess was a parody, rather than an appalling travesty of a Disney-like adaptation of a nice, rough children's book. I could never have guessed that guy would go on to make CoM, Gravity and HP3.)
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #608, on November 22nd, 2013, 12:51 PM »
Today's Google Doodle is... interesting ;)


  • Posts: 356
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #609, on November 23rd, 2013, 01:09 AM »
And have you seen Marc Gatiss's docudrama yet? Titled "An Adventure In Space And Time", it depicts the early days of Doctor Who in 90 minutes. Very well and respectfully done.


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #610, on November 23rd, 2013, 09:01 AM »
It was a biopic not a docudrama ;)
And yes, very nicely done. It tended to drag here and there, but overall we thoroughly enjoyed it. There was an unexpected cameo too. I also enjoyed the poat-credits extras. :)


  • Posts: 356
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #611, on November 23rd, 2013, 01:25 PM »
It was full of cameos! Carole Ann Ford played a grandmother, William Russell played the security guard at the beginning... I'm pretty sure I spotted Mark Gatiss in the background somewhere, too. I should watch it a second time, I guess. :P


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #612, on November 23rd, 2013, 02:50 PM »
Quote from Aaron on November 23rd, 2013, 01:25 PM
It was full of cameos! Carole Ann Ford played a grandmother,
I missed that. I only noticed her in the post-credits.
Quote from Aaron on November 23rd, 2013, 01:25 PM
William Russell played the security guard at the beginning... I'm pretty sure I spotted Mark Gatiss in the background somewhere, too. I should watch it a second time, I guess. :P
Yeah, eh eh.

Okay, what time is the episode going to shown at, in the UK? And in the Netherlands it's being shown too, I guess..?
Because here in France, it's at 20:05 (8:05PM), so that's the equivalent of 19:05 in the UK I think, and from what I can see, their theater showings are at either 19:30 or 19:50..?! Does that mean we're getting the episode before everyone else? I don't think so :P
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #613, on November 23rd, 2013, 07:15 PM »
Actually, the 20:05 time is a re-run of The Name of the Doctor. It didn't click with me, with all these 'The ... of the Doctor' in recent days, so I just accepted it as the new episode. The Day of the Doctor, itself, will be shown at 20:50, so indeed, that's the same time as the UK showtime. Glad I cleared that up, eheh.
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #614, on November 23rd, 2013, 10:09 PM »
A most excellent episode indeed!

And the direction for the next season is at last something more interesting than endless prophecies ;)