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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #555, on April 30th, 2013, 06:41 AM »
there was the dodgy chameleon circuit which had the tardis stuck as a police box (although he did apparently get the invisibility circuit working - at least for the one "silence" epsiode)

but we also, through all doctors til the present have the tardis randomly heading off on whatever location tweaked her fancy. Only recently has the doctore actually gotten some decent control over where he takes the ship. :)

and yeah.. debug mode...   which should never be used by anyone except the developers. :)
(and ok...   I'll go back further - Jamie could fly the damned thing!)


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #556, on April 30th, 2013, 03:52 PM »
Only recently has the doctore actually gotten some decent control over where he takes the ship.
Not entirely. I give you this:
The Doctor: You know, since we're talking with mouths, not really an opportunity that comes along very often, I just wanna say, you know, you have never been very reliable.
Idris: And you have?
The Doctor: You didn't always take me where I wanted to go.
Idris: No, but I always took you where you needed to go.
As far as flying goes, Rose has flown the TARDIS, so has River, but both have special circumstances. Don't forget Captain Avery seemed to have a pretty intuitive grasp too.

Clara is different, though. There have already been multiple remarks that the TARDIS doesn't like Clara (though not, apparently, as much as it disliked the immortal Captain Jack the first time they met)
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #557, on May 2nd, 2013, 09:47 PM »
Rumour has it the developers of Wedge are secretly also building a time machine so as to re-write the history of the internet. :whistle:


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #558, on May 2nd, 2013, 10:05 PM »
I'd like to know where that rumour is coming from, so I can put a stop to it before it starts :whistle:


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #559, on May 5th, 2013, 06:04 PM »
I think I heard about it in the last season of Fringe.

Oh, I've always heard that the latest Who was better than the crap we have in the weeks before..?
(Anything with Neve McIntosh is bound to be good anyway... She was my favorite character in Gormenghast :P)


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #560, on May 5th, 2013, 06:45 PM »
I haven't actually seen it yet, I was out all day yesterday.


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #561, on May 6th, 2013, 04:53 PM »
Liked the episode.
Wasn't great or anything, but I really, really liked that you don't get to see the Doctor until halfway through the episode. And no Clara until... Well, even later. Proving that we don't need them that much... I want a spin-off around these characters!! :lol:

Wasn't hard to achieve, with his poor track record on Who[1], but still: this is Mark Gatis's best Who episode -- ever. Wondering how much of it was written by Moffat[2]... :lol:
 1. Not on Sherlock, though!
 2. Given that he wrote a few one-liners for the Gaiman episode last year, too... "It's like kissing, but there's a winner"...


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #562, on May 6th, 2013, 04:56 PM »
I still haven't seen this episode, and probably won't until tonight, but calling it Mark Gatiss' best DW episode is probably not a stretch, he's only written The Unquiet Dead (season 1), The Idiot's Lantern (season 2), Victory of the Daleks (season 5), Night Terrors (season 6) and Cold War (season 7 part 1) before this, all of which were passable but nothing amazing (though, The Unquiet Dead, is probably the best of *those*)


  • Posts: 166
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #563, on May 6th, 2013, 09:42 PM »
I liked it.  It's the first episode of this half-season that I think I actually liked.
(the opener wasn't bad, but I was disappointed in Clara's lack of spunk in that one)

This one was good.
The secondary characters from Victorian England were fun.
The confusion about "Clara" was well done...
and the ending "hanger" was better than the rest of the season put together...
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #564, on May 9th, 2013, 08:53 PM »
given how terrible some of the doctor who spin offs have been, I'm not sure it would work...   but I'd like to see them try a spin-off with the virtorian crew. :)

I am desparately looking forward to this weekend's episode!


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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #565, on May 11th, 2013, 05:12 AM »
So, I got around to watching the Crimson Horror.

It's what DW did best, horror with a touch of humour. And the callback to Tegan ("I spent a long time trying to get a stroppy Australian back to Heathrow Apriport") made me laugh as well as Strax being, well, Strax. ("Horse, you have failed in your mission!" "Do you have any final words before your summary execution... usual story. That's the fourth this week, and I'm not even hungry.")[1] and as for Thomas Thomas reciting the directions like a satnav.[2]

And actually, I think a spinoff with Madame Vastra and Jenny would work really well. The SJ Adventures was supposed to be a for-kids version and it didn't really have a lot going for it beyond that, though I did watch a couple (like Death of the Doctor, that was pretty good), and Torchwood was good to start with but went downhill after they kill Owen and Tosh in season 2. Once they started to get dark and cynical and too drama heavy with season length arcs (i.e. CoE and even more lamentably MD) it lost what made it Torchwood.
 1. No doubt a reference to the horsemeat scandal.
 2. TomTom is a major brand of satnav here.


  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #566, on May 12th, 2013, 12:08 AM »
+1 with your post, obviously...

So, I watched Gaiman's episode... And was utterly disappointed.
Not on the same level as The Doctor's Wife... Not even as good as last week's episode.
I don't know what was the point of the episode... So, he wanted to write a Cyberman episode? Cool. He wanted to have some likeable characters come from out of nowhere, like in TDW? Cool... But did he really have to barely give them a minute of screen time before we switch again and again to the Doctor's boring shouts and Clara's so-fascinating impossible-girl mysteries?

I don't care that she's impossible... She's just NOT that special to me. Bring me back River Song -- any time. Especially next week.

I'm afraid this is the weakest streak of episodes since, hmm... Season 2 or something.
And I absolutely adore Neil Gaiman. I think he's a great guy, too. I'm just so disappointed he wrote an episode that didn't add anything to the Doctor's mythos. It seems like a waste of his time... :-/


  • Posts: 356
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #567, on May 12th, 2013, 12:43 AM »
Hmm, I actually rather enjoyed this week's episode, but the internet appears to be split on it. The guys over at SFX even go as far as to say 'what comes around, goes around' when it concerns the Cybermen: they appear to have become more like the Borg in that they now appear to be operated through a central entity instead of just a hive mind.

Dunno, I just tried to not get too annoyed by the children present in the episode and managed to just enjoy the episode. Sure, it's not as good as The Doctor's Wife, but better than many of this series' episodes by far (which, unfortunately, doesn't say much).

The SFX guys are really into next week's episode though, and considering their reviews of this season so far, that's something.
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  • Dadman with a boy
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Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #568, on May 12th, 2013, 03:52 PM »
Good then, eh eh...

Well, my disappointment over yesterday's episode was certainly due to my fanboyism. I know for a fact that I was very appreciative to have Warwick Davies in the episode, he's just so cool.
I liked having the Being Human baddie from season 2 in the episode, too, but he was far too under-developed... Really, his main scene *was* the Gaimanesque part of the episode. The rest felt like "the mandatory Cybermen story" to me.
It's not so often that I like the beginning of a Who episode better than the rest, but there it is.

Oh, I also inadvertently read a spoiler about the 50th anniversary special... If you're adamant NOT to be spoiled, then follow my advice: do not, ever, attempt to read a John Hurt interview, or any news article related to John Hurt in this episode. He gave a huge bit away without consideration for Moffat, and it was obviously not a good idea... (I don't mind spoilers too much, so I don't really mind this one either; I just think that some of you might be upset about it.)


  • Posts: 166
Re: Doctor Who
« Reply #569, on May 13th, 2013, 06:24 PM »
Ok...  so, I watched it last night and I was pissed. I almost hated it. I ceretainly did not like it...

and I have gone back to HATING Matt Smith's Doctor.

(click to show/hide)
He was so pleased during one of the little vignette interviews about how he decided to handle switching between the doctor and the cyber-version  --- and I despised it. It was stupid and it was annoying.

The kids were completely wasted.
The little girl was a twit most of the time, the boy was completely forgetable and they both spent much of the epsidoe, standing, staring at nothing and contributing nothing.

When the cyber-thing had control of the doctor, he started to tell us (and Clara) something about Clara...   THAT information could have justified the absolute stupidity of the rest of the "fighting for control" scenes... but no....  they didn't give us anything more than we already know.

And I utterly DESPISE the route they seem to be taking about the Doctor being in love with Clara. It failed miserably for the Doctor and Rose episodes...  how the **** do they think the fans are going to approve of it now 9especially since most fans have been annoyed as hell at the dreck they have been fed this second half-season so far)

(the only good thing in the episode was that Calra gets to smack the Doctor around yet again... (I am actually beinging to wonder about the amount of hitting that has been applied to the Doctor from Clara on in this season, it seems to be a very Masochistic relationship being developed)

I am SO disappointed in Neil Gaimen for this episode.