New revs


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: New revs
« Reply #2670, on July 27th, 2014, 05:21 PM »
[Commit revision 7805278]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:21:35 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +9 (insertions), -3 (deletions)

  • Some more tweaks to Wuthering. Even more curvey. I should rename it. (Wuthering/extra.css)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2671, on July 28th, 2014, 11:11 PM »
[Commit revision 8dec48e]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 03:08:48 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +12 (insertions), -12 (deletions)

  • It's a bit shorter (~70 bytes), faster (~0.03s on the main CSS) and cleaner. I'm talking about the compilation-time indentation counter for Wess. It's a totally useless commit when compared with the 3+ hours I spent rewriting it multiple times and benchmarking it all. If I'm going to be back in style, I should have got something better out of this! Shame! (Class-CSS.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2672, on August 7th, 2014, 11:34 AM »
[Commit revision da777b6]
Author: Nao
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 20:16:15 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +1 (insertion), -1 (deletion)

  • In Wess, doing a test on "false" (*with* double quotes) evaluated to "true", and I'm thinking I didn't plan it that way. If anything, it broke all @if $negative-variables tests. (Class-System.php)

[Commit revision f15766c]
Author: Nao
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:52:23 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +10 (insertions), -11 (deletions)

  • Simplified Wess loose tests. (Class-System.php)
  • Fixed loose tests to return 'true' when a non-browser name was being supplied. I'd say my previous commit broke that, but honestly, it's getting quite confusing even for me... I tend not to touch these areas too much, for fear of breaking something else. It's still some great code -- just the we::analyze() part is a bit too smart for its own good. (Class-System.php)
  • Added some parens to a few lines that may be hard to read. (Class-System.php)

[Commit revision 447bb4f]
Author: Nao
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:00:51 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -1 (deletion)

  • Clicking a select box shouldn't propagate to its parents. (sbox.js)

[Commit revision b1de422]
Author: Nao
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:54:08 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +10 (insertions), -10 (deletions)

  • Partially reverted my two previous commits. Only things left are the extra parens, and the removal of the no_operator method, which was never used to begin with. (Class-System.php)
  • Fixed the "false" bug properly. Indeed it looked like we::loose does things differently based on where it's called from. we::analyze() requires an actual boolean return variable, while we::evaluate prefers to get ambiguous strings untouched. Thus, I've split we::loose into two separate functions, for readability. This should fix all issues with non-Chrome browsers (on which I haven't been doing much testing these days), and make me feel safer about my code. (Class-System.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2673, on August 16th, 2014, 12:52 PM »
[Commit revision 4064433]
Author: Nao
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 12:34:01 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -40 (deletions)

  • Removed some Aeva sites... was killed off by Twitch this week. 123video seems to be an adult site, yet wasn't marked as such in the list so I'm guessing it was repossessed at some point. 9You doesn't seem to support old videos. (media/Subs-Aeva-Sites.php)
  • You're all free to chip in and tell me which sites should be removed from the list..! I don't have time to go through them all, so it's pretty much random at this point. Also, don't expect me to add support for new sites unless they've been wildly popular and I overlooked them. It's been so long...

[Commit revision 172b9a4]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:20:59 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -3 (deletions)

  • Removed 'brightness' command from Wess; it was never used (being an alias to 'luma'), and was conflicting with -webkit-filter commands. (Class-CSS.php)

[Commit revision 298d4fc]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:37:05 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +21 (insertions), -22 (deletions)

  • The select box component could get confused when reopening a previously closed dropdown when the conditions for the scrollbar to show up changed. (sbox.js)
  • Fixed undefined event variable. (sbox.js)
  • Ensure that dropdowns aren't so narrow you won't actually be able to browse them... (sbox.js)

[Commit revision 3f4cfeb]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:47:19 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +13 (insertions), -4 (deletions)

  • Generation times shouldn't take into account the time needed to generate a cached CSS or JS file. These operations only happen when you update a CSS or JS file, which should be rare enough if you don't update your site every other minute. (Subs-Cache.php)
  • Also added a warning about Wess breaking calc() calls if they include a + or - sign. Sorry about that, will look into fixing it in the future. (Subs-Cache.php)

[Commit revision 1ee42c5]
Author: Nao
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:44:03 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +1 (insertion), -0 (deletion)

  • Ensuring a select box that was once opened upwards won't open downwards the next time in the same situation. (sbox.js)

[Commit revision c7dde23]
Author: Nao
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 19:25:54 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -0 (deletion)

  • Wedge improperly minified CSS like 'selector [attr="..."]' to 'selector[attr="..."]', which doesn't mean the same. (Subs-Cache.php)

[Commit revision c3ba549]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:42:14 +0200
Stats: 2 files changed; +5 (insertions), -6 (deletions)

  • Better colors for privacy icons. (index.member.css)
  • Removing font size on a.unreadlinks, it's just not skinnable. (index.member.css)

[Commit revision 837c46c]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:51:33 +0200
Stats: 9 files changed; +7 (insertions), -7 (deletions)

  • Replaced or reverted contacts.gif with individual files (like it probably used to be..?), for several reasons: better individual color palettes, and the size wasted on having more files (about 500 extra bytes) is largely made up for by pushing icons to raw-url, which don't get loaded until you actually call a select box with these icons. At least, that's what Chrome is telling me, and Chrome is always right... (index.members.css, assets/icons/contacts.gif, assets/icons/contacts_*.gif)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2674, on August 17th, 2014, 12:47 AM »
[Commit revision 405bed2]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:39:50 +0200
Stats: 2 files changed; +39 (insertions), -44 (deletions)

  • Got rid of the privacy icon sprite and all that stuff. Instead of a key, I'm now showing something that takes a lot less CSS, and should work on any device: an inverted 0xb6 (paragraph) character. Plus, flat design! (index.member.css, privacy.png) (privacy.gif got deleted earlier today, should have done it in this one.)
  • Some extra CSS for an upcoming commit. (index.member.css)
  • Privacy icons are now shown the same way as smileys are, i.e. they align with their current neighbors, but this also implies some HTML changes, which will be coming soon. (index.member.css)

[Commit revision 588b05f]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:00:51 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +6 (insertions), -0 (deletion)

  • Privacy! (index.english.php)
  • Colons! (index.english.php)

[Commit revision 96ea5ec]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:16:49 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +5 (insertions), -1 (deletion)

  • Wuthering header fix for oldIE. (Wuthering/extra.css)

[Commit revision 903402e]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:21:41 +0200
Stats: 3 files changed; +90 (insertions), -53 (deletions)

  • Added $().title() function to allow for HTML tooltips using the mini-menu system. I'm committing it separately mostly because I want to keep my options open: I'm not sure this is such a fantastic feature. Perhaps setting a trigger timer would be best, but it might make the code more complicated. Or, showing the tooltip on the right rather than the top, but... This time, the CSS would be more complicated. (script.js, index.css)
  • While I'm at it -- fixing <dl> tags imposing a hidden overflow just so they could clearfix, when I really should have applied the proper clearfix mixin here. (index.css, sections.css)

[Commit revision 755ae02]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:34:54 +0200
Stats: 2 files changed; +55 (insertions), -25 (deletions)

  • Now, increasing the select box code by 5%, THAT I can accept, if it allows me to add support for the 'multiple' parameter in dropdowns! Seriously. (sbox.js, index.css)
  • An interesting feature that I cooked up and isn't part of the 'official' HTML description of <select multiple>: just add a class named 'single' to any option that you want to be 'exclusive', i.e. clicking it will automatically 'unclick' all other items. I've never used so many 'single quotes' in a sentence before.
  • There are still a few rough edges: multiple selected items can be rendered with multiple .selected classes when opening a select box; also, there is currently no keyboard support for a 'multiple' dropdown, you can only open and close it without a pointer.

[Commit revision 4ba1ebf]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 00:47:11 +0200
Stats: 3 files changed; +188 (insertions), -60 (deletions)

  • And finally, THIS is the BIG ONE, the high point of all my last couple of weeks' commits. Go to your profile summary, click any heading that has a privacy icon next to icon, and you get to choose who can view said information. You can choose multiple (yay!) groups and/or lists, or just one of the simplified settings: guests & members, just members, or just yourself. (Profile.php, Security.php, Profile.template.php)
  • Privacy settings are only applied on public profile pages, so any other area that shows that information won't bother. I'm thinking, maybe the search feature allows you to access some of these details, so I may have to find a way to ignore forbidden settings, but as I'm currently storing privacy data into the members table, I'm not sure I can do that easily. Soon I'll be porting privacy data to a new table, I just need to think of its structure or something... I need it to be extendable (extensible?), obviously.
  • The tooltip indicates who can see what, but it's still quite limited to the first of all items in a privacy setting, *and* it won't tell you what group or list exactly. Whatever...
  • Contact list save button wasn't translated. (Profile.template.php)
  • Using the new $txt[':'] system in the Profile template. Must use it everywhere else! (Profile.template.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2675, on August 18th, 2014, 10:23 AM »
[Commit revision 5097534]
Author: Nao
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:44:03 +0200
Stats: 2 files changed; +1 (insertion), -0 (deletion)

  • Forgot to add the profile privacy hook. (ManagePlugins.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2676, on August 18th, 2014, 10:24 AM »
[Commit revision d4cd7fb]
Author: Pandos (Signed-off)
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 12:03:05 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -1 (deletion)

  • Key update to prevent possible slow query from a large session table.

[Commit revision 91e6c76]
Author: Pandos (Signed-off)
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:24:09 +0200
Stats: 2 files changed; +10 (insertions), -1 (deletion)

  • Update to Upgrade.php and index.php to get th elatest db change.

[Commit revision 355e403]
Author: Pandos (Signed-off)
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:50:59 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +1 (insertion), -1 (deletion)

  • Fix that has broken the updatescript.

[Commit revision c26851b]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:24:49 +0200
Stats: 3 files changed; +12 (insertions), -2 (deletions)

  • Merge pull request #19 from Pandos/dev
  • Key update to prevent possible slow query from a large session table -- when doing session writing or garbage collection.
Re: New revs
« Reply #2677, on August 18th, 2014, 11:25 PM »
[Commit revision 1ab0d0d]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:48:19 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -1 (deletion)

  • Fixed wrong margins in Wuthering's responsive mode. (Wuthering/extra.css)

[Commit revision 92b02a5]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 15:55:32 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +1 (insertion), -1 (deletion)

  • More padding problems, this time on the homepage. (Wuthering/extra.css)

[Commit revision 6a38e88]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 23:25:31 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +6 (insertions), -3 (deletions)

  • Fixed clickable privacy icons on other people's profile pages. (You still couldn't have modified their privacy settings, but still...) (Security.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2678, on August 21st, 2014, 12:42 AM »
[Commit revision 50d5d14]
Author: Nao
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:42:06 +0200
Stats: 3 files changed; +16 (insertions), -6 (deletions)

  • Added privacy icons to profile edit pages, in addition to the profile homepage. I'm sincerely hoping custom fields will work, but these ones are completely untested. (Profile.php, Profile-Modify.php, Profile.template.php)
  • Removed a few DB fields being loaded and never used. (Profile-Modify.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2679, on August 21st, 2014, 12:47 AM »
[Commit revision 1cdc8dd]
Author: Nao
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:47:28 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +1 (insertion), -1 (deletion)

  • Fixing an unfortunate FOUC (flash of unstyled content). (index.member.css)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2680, on August 23rd, 2014, 12:46 AM »
[Commit revision 3ff1484]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 00:45:58 +0200
Stats: 5 files changed; +29 (insertions), -29 (deletions)

  • Sort of reverted the responsive menus I implemented earlier this year. Instead of moving menus to the sidebar automatically, which was a neat trick, I went for usability and left them where they are, instead developing all sub-menus below their parents, rather than on their side. Scrolling on mobile devices isn't an issue. The CSS bandwidth use remains approximately the same. (script.js, index.css, sections.css)
  • Just for the record... This change is made possible by the fact that I moved all menu entries below the 'Home' menu item. I know that many of you wondered why I did this in the first place, well, that was for that. I just didn't take the time to finish this back then.
  • Okaaaay, here's hoping I won't break anything by hiding #wedge overflows... Doing this is a media query is pretty much the only way to ensure it 'works' on mobile devices and doesn't annoy the rest of us. (sections.css, Wilderless/extra.css, Wireless/extra.css)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2681, on August 23rd, 2014, 12:51 AM »
[Commit revision 0de48d3]
Author: Nao
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 00:50:52 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +0 (insertion), -0 (deletion)

  • Why did this file re-commit itself..?! (assets/icons/contacts.gif)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2682, on August 25th, 2014, 07:53 PM »
[Commit revision 83b3775]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 18:22:24 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -2 (deletions)

  • Fixed buggy implementation for 'last message' privacy visibility in board indexes. (Subs-BoardIndex.php)

[Commit revision fe2a7ca]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 18:22:55 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +1 (insertion), -1 (deletion)

  • Oh, and another British comment... (Admin.php)

[Commit revision b4aeac0]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:52:54 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +7 (insertions), -3 (deletions)

  • Adding <script include="$here/something.js"> to a skin.xml file was broken. It should now correctly handle JS files in your skin folders. (Subs-Cache.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2683, on August 25th, 2014, 08:09 PM »
[Commit revision e33bf38]
Author: Nao
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 20:09:01 +0200
Stats: 2 files changed; +4 (insertions), -6 (deletions)

  • Fixed error when showing custom fields in profiles. (Profile.template.php)
  • Spacinazi... (Profile.php)
Re: New revs
« Reply #2684, on August 26th, 2014, 12:48 AM »
[Commit revision 7f70b39]
Author: Nao
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 00:48:17 +0200
Stats: 1 file changed; +2 (insertions), -2 (deletions)

  • Homepage topic lists were applying user timezones twice -- once at SSI time, once at templating time. User-specific times were already set up in SSI, and didn't need to be recalculated. (Home.template.php)
  • I'm not too happy that the 'timestamp' value isn't consistent when it comes to user timezones. I guess it's a remnant of iterative SMF development...