[FAQ] Minimum requirements
[FAQ] What is Wedge? »


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,080
[FAQ] Minimum requirements
« on October 1st, 2010, 06:32 PM »Last edited on January 20th, 2014, 10:37 AM
Minimum requirements

Client side:

Opera 9 or higher, 12 or higher recommended.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher, 10 or higher recommended.
Mozilla Firefox 2 or higher, 17 or higher recommended.
Apple Safari 3 or higher, 6 or higher recommended.
Google Chrome (any version), 27 or higher recommended.

JavaScript is strongly recommended
Cookies are strongly recommended
Flash is recommended for media embedding

Server side:

PHP 5.3 or higher
MySQL 5.0.3 or higher
GD2 graphic library for PHP

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #16, on June 21st, 2011, 06:56 PM »
Quote from [Unknown
link=msg=262645 date=1308474250]
I wouldn't waste my time with the Chrome 1 requirement.  You would be surprised at how hard it is to lock Chrome to a single version.  I don't think it's worth worrying about older than 6 or 8 or something at this point, and even probably not that far back.
We don't really bother with the minimum Chrome version number. They upgrade it every other week anyway ;)
I expect Jaeger and V8 and etc. to get optimized for jQuery, so it's probably going to become a standard.  If it keeps getting more popular, I suspect it'll be bundled and detected at some point by browsers for further perf wins (since we're currently in a perf war.)
Well, actually that's already happened... IIRC there are already some JavaScript native instructions that were pretty much 'asked' by John Resig and friends.
I'm wondering if querySelectorAll was among them... Hmm, maybe at least native qsa implementation in browsers was sped up with the growing popularity of jQ.

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #17, on May 4th, 2013, 07:42 PM »
I've been reading the FAQ like a good boy. :)

In the future when I want to try out this software it says I need the following -

Server side:

PHP 5.2 or higher
MySQL 5.1 or higher
GD2 graphic library for PHP

I verified the first two, but I can't see any tool in Cpanel to check if the GD2 graphic library for PHP exists. Do I need to worry about that (is it a basic package that should be there)? How do I verify it's there?


[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #18, on May 4th, 2013, 07:43 PM »
The installer will validate it anyway.

If you have SMF installed and SMF can resize avatars, you have GD installed. (The 'version check' page will tell you for certain)

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #19, on May 4th, 2013, 07:55 PM »
Quote from Arantor on May 4th, 2013, 07:43 PM
The installer will validate it anyway.

If you have SMF installed and SMF can resize avatars, you have GD installed. (The 'version check' page will tell you for certain)
Yea I just verified it resizes them. Yippee! :cool:

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #20, on May 4th, 2013, 07:58 PM »
Just wonder why flash is recommended, is this just for the media streaming, like youtube etc. or are other areas of wedge natively using flash?

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #21, on May 4th, 2013, 08:59 PM »
At the present time, the Aeva gallery uploader and some of the media embed code uses Flash - but it'll get phased out in time where possible.

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #22, on May 4th, 2013, 11:43 PM »
Good to hear. I don't hate flash but try to avoid it were possible. :)

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #23, on May 5th, 2013, 06:02 PM »
Quote from ziycon on May 4th, 2013, 11:43 PM
Good to hear. I don't hate flash but try to avoid it were possible. :)
My thoughts exactly.

It's not a priority for me, though... At least, it doesn't bother as much as when I was working on Aeva Media full-time.

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #24, on May 7th, 2013, 10:27 AM »
Wedge is not as elegant as it is at Opera Mini browser and to make is worse, Google Analytics predicts that most of my forum visitors are using opera mini - 63%!
I hate opera mini.

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #25, on May 7th, 2013, 02:57 PM »
Opera Mini's goal is to give you access to the information -- whatever the device. Too bad it's going for the lowest common denominator, but at least it doesn't attempt to say it's better than anything else...
Wedge should look fine on Opera Mobile, though!

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #26, on May 7th, 2013, 04:52 PM »
Wedge should look fine on Opera Mobile, though!
Yeah, it looks fine in Opera Mobile. Opera mini is just rubbish, the mybb script I am using have a trimmed template for all mobile devices called mybbgomobile. It is the best forum mobile template I have seen sofar in any forum software. 

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #27, on May 7th, 2013, 04:54 PM »
Even better than SMF4Mobile (smf-media.com) ?

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #29, on May 7th, 2013, 09:12 PM »
Yes @Nao @Arantor
In Opera Mini, Mybb Go mobile is best forum template however, I am surprise to smf4mobile beat him hands down with opera browser. Here is the screenshot of comparism between Mybb Gomobie and Smf 4Mobile

Board Index

SMF 4 Mobile

SMF4Mobile Board Index
SMF4Mobile Board Index

MyBB  Go Mobile

Mybb GoMobile Board Index
Mybb GoMobile Board Index

Message Index

SMF 4 Mobile

SMF4Mobile Message Index
SMF4Mobile Message Index

Mybb Go Mobile Message Index

Mybb Go Mobile Message Index
Mybb Go Mobile Message Index


SMF 4 Mobile Display

SMF4 Mobile Display
SMF4 Mobile Display

Mybb Go Mobile Display

Mybb Go Mobile Display
Mybb Go Mobile Display

Just to show how good Mybb Go Mobile looks in Opera Mini.

[FAQ] Re: Minimum requirements
« Reply #30, on May 7th, 2013, 09:23 PM »
@Dragooon: Fairly sure that's a bug, jQuery Mobile normally works better on Opera Mini than that.

@Wanchope: You can always press the Mobile button at the bottom of the page in a regular browser to get an idea of what it should normally look like (and does, on proper mobile browsers... I'm not sure WTF is up with Opera Mini)

[FAQ] What is Wedge? »