What I meant with Elkarte/SMF 2.1 was that they added specifically two functions that call javascript and css, thereby making a bit impossible to override any mods output of those,
I remember seeing loadJavaScriptFile and loadCSSFile functions in their codebase, but couldn't be arsed to find out what they did in comparison to our own add_css_file and add_js_file functions. (Except of course Wedge gets to minify, compress and cache the files automatically, which I don't think Elk or SMF will ever do... And if they plan to, just let me say one thing: get yourselves prepared to spend months on this, fixing bugs and adding new features
since they happen later than the theme's css/javacript.
Ah, yes, that's too bad...
;)Just the possibility to use another JavaScript library(like Mootools) is impossible now, since JQuery is already baked into the script.
I don't think you could remove jQuery from Wedge, but it's not something that could be done anyway, given that everything's using it, saving us tons of kilobytes of code. (As a reminder, SMF's script.js is about 50KB, Wedge's is 24KB, and is cached to under 5KB... Add to this the select box code which I chose to embed in script.js, this adds exactly 2 kilobytes of code.)
MooTools is used by over 10 times less websites than jQuery is. It doesn't mean it's any less good -- it simply means that jQuery managed to get traction faster, and people tend to stick to what's used the most, because it means the community is bigger. It's understandable. jQuery thus has the advantage of offering tons of plugins or snippets that can easily be reused by beginner programmers.
Then again, you can still use MooTools but only if there's a way to ensure Moo doesn't use $. It's silly, but since we unconditionally use $ everywhere, you can't just do add_js("\n\tjQuery.noConflict();"), I'm afraid..!
Also, I don't know anything about bloQS. What is it? A new fork? A ViennaBBS rename? A new product not based on SMF? A theme for SMF?
I guess also that it comes down to my firm belief that themes should be able to decide the visual output from a dataset - not just sending it further unchanged. Its that separation that are a bit blurred in SMF in some places, and now a bit more in Elkarte. Wedge is a different beast lol, and as I remember last time I had SVN acces(I do remember :) ) it had better division into smaller subtemplates, thereby making it easier to change one small thing instead of the whole thing.
Again, one of Wedge's interests is in having many ways to do something when it comes to templating. So many ways, I tend to forget some. (Heck, I even mentioned <we:head> when Pete correctly referred to it as <we:cat>.)
Its main drawback is that as of now, I have zero documentation written for these methods... You'll have to rely on reading my code, mainly in Subs-Cache, Class-CSS and Subs-Template.
At least make it possible to change for example the order of header tags, use lists instead of tables and so on.
Just try running Wedge in IE 6 or IE 7. You'll notice that they use tables to show the sidebar. While IE 8 and other browsers use a div
:)EDIT: one of the obstacles is actually the best of the theme engine, namely the layers. A theme won't know about any layers added by mods unless they check the layer index, and even then cannot know what templates are added..or at least target them without physically having them in their own theme folder.
I don't remember if you can check the 'layer' list in Wedge... Technically it's possible, but I may have prevented it. Hmm, just looked into it. Indeed I'm preventing direct access to the skeleton, but I'm allowing users to retrieve the name of the parent layer of a specified block/layer. And, of course, you can retrieve a particular block/layer and make modifications to it... For instance, move it to another parent or before/after another item, add a layer between its parent and it, or below it, rename the block, add a block/layer before or after it, remove the block entirely, remove the parent layer without removing the block itself, etc... It's nearly endless. And again, only documented in Subs-Template.
:^^;:That is also something I'd like to change, but not sure of the best way yet. Why do I want to do that? lets say i build a responsive theme that shuffle a sidebar around to fit everything nicely..it will be pointless if a mod add a layer that adds two sidebars lol.
If your code is executed after, you can always check for that I guess... But it'd be simpler to just get in touch with the author and try to do something that doesn't break either
;)But maybe its better to continue this in another topic, as its abit on the side of the OP's question.