Hello Community,
I've got a problem and although would like to include in my Wedge board an EU Cookie Bar that will need because I want to use the forum Google.
The code for the Cookie Bar is as follows:
Code: [Select]
This code must be included under the final <head> tag.
But if I do, an error message appears in the frontend. I have included it in the backend under Skins-editing in the index.template.php file. There but not expanded. The place in the code of index.tepmplate.php looks like this.
Code: [Select]
How can I do that best? Thank you in advance.
I've got a problem and although would like to include in my Wedge board an EU Cookie Bar that will need because I want to use the forum Google.
The code for the Cookie Bar is as follows:
<! - Begin Cookie Consent plugin by Silktide - http://silktide.com/cookieconsent ->
<script type = "text / javascript">
window.cookieconsent_options = {"message": "This forum uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience please let it out this small and very dangerous files can you and your PC Make no harm Learn more in the privacy policy... by me "," Dismiss. ":" Allow "," Learn More ":" More Info "," link ":" http://internetblogger.de/forum/datenschutz.php "," theme "," dark-floating "};
</ script>
<script type = "text / javascript" src = "// s3.amazonaws.com/cc.silktide.com/cookieconsent.latest.min.js"> </ script>
<! - End Cookie Consent plugin ->
This code must be included under the final <head> tag.
But if I do, an error message appears in the frontend. I have included it in the backend under Skins-editing in the index.template.php file. There but not expanded. The place in the code of index.tepmplate.php looks like this.
// The main block above the content.
template_html_before function ()
global $ context, $ txt, $ settings, $ topic;
// Declare our HTML5 doctype, and Whether to show right to left.
// The charset is already specified in the headers so it may be omitted,
// But the specs recommend leaving them in, if the document is viewed offline.
echo '<! DOCTYPE html>
<html ', $ context [' right_to_left ']? 'Dir = "RTL"': ''!, Empty ($ txt ['lang_dictionary'])? 'Lang = "'.. $ Txt ['lang_dictionary'] '' ':' ','>
<head> ', empty ($ topic)? '': '
<meta charset = "utf-8"> ';
// Our all-time favorites do not really like HTML5 ...
if (we :: is ('ie8down'))
echo '
<script src = "// html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"> </ script> ';
echo theme_base_css () '
<! - Powered by Wedge, © R.-G. Deberdt - http://wedge.org ->
<title> ', $ context [' page_title_html_safe '],! empty ($ context [' page_indicator '])? $ context ['page_indicator']: '', '</ title>';
// If the Forum is in a sub-folder, it needs to Explicitly set a favicon URL.
if (strpos (str_replace (': //', '', ROOT), '/') == false!)
echo '
<link rel = "shortcut icon" href = "', ROOT,' /favicon.ico" type = "image / vnd.microsoft.icon"> ';
// Present a canonical URL for search engines to prevent duplicate content in Their indices.
if (! empty ($ context ['canonical_url']))
echo '
<link rel = "canonical" href = "', $ context [' canonical_url '],'"> ';
// Show all the relative links: such as search.
if (! empty ($ context ['allow_search']))
echo '
<link rel = "search" href = "<URL> action = search?"> ';
// If feeds are enabled to advertise the presence of one.
if (! empty ($ settings ['xmlnews_enable']) && (! empty ($ settings ['allow_guestAccess']) || we :: $ is_member))
echo '
<link rel = "alternate" href = "? <URL> action = feed" type = "application / atom + xml" title = "", $ context ['forum_name_html_safe'], '">';
// If we're viewing a topic, We Should link to the previous and next pages, respectively. Search engines like this.
if (empty ($ context ['robot_no_index']))
if (! empty ($ context ['left'] ['prev']))
echo '
<link rel = "prev" href = "', $ context [' left '] [' prev '],'"> ';
if (! empty ($ context ['links'] ['next']))
echo '
<link rel = "next" href = "', $ context [' links'] ['next'], '">';
if (! we :: is ('opera [11-], ie [10]'))
echo '
<meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1, maximum-scale = 2, minimum-scale = 0.7"> ';
if (! empty ($ context ['meta_description']))
echo '
<meta name = "description" content = "", $ context ['meta_description'], '">';
// Please do not index thesis Mr Robotto.
if (! empty ($ context ['robot_no_index']))
echo '
<meta name = "robots" content = "noindex"> ';
if (isset ($ _ SESSION ['session_var'], $ _ GET [$ _ SESSION ['session_var']]))
echo '
<meta name = "referrer" content = "origin"> ';
echo '
</ head> ';
How can I do that best? Thank you in advance.