Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum

Alex L

  • Blogger, Webmaster CMS-Fan
  • Posts: 16
Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum
« on September 7th, 2015, 05:19 PM »
Hello Community,

I wanted to know how you can remove the nofollow attribute from the Wedge Forum. This does not contribute to the search engine optimization and since my Forum has an internal character, are the links that I add, rather harmless and I can put them with a clear conscience.

How can I remove nofollow?

Thank you in advance.


  • Posts: 343
Re: Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum
« Reply #1, on September 8th, 2015, 03:33 PM »
Easiest way would be to edit the source or write a plugin which does that for you (mods.xml). Never stumbled across an "on board" solution for this in wedge but I never needed this :D.

Alex L

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Re: Remove NoFollow attribute from the Wedge Forum
« Reply #3, on September 13th, 2015, 03:43 PM »
Just FYI, nofollow is very, very harmless to you or Google, and is generally only interesting if you have a very, very high-traffic website. Like Wikipedia, where that kind of stuff actually mattered.

Alex L

  • Blogger, Webmaster CMS-Fan
  • Posts: 16