Installing language packs


  • Posts: 1
Installing language packs
« on May 10th, 2014, 02:37 PM »Last edited on May 10th, 2014, 04:12 PM
I just found Wedge and it lookes like it's where I have been waiting for for years...

Just set it up and want to make it multilingual. But when I upload the SMF files French, German and Dutch, I get the error: plugin-info.xml file that Wedge needs...

Should I not use those files? And if so, where can I find the proper files..?

And additional to this question:
On the index is information about changing the Home-page (in This is Us). It says ...upload them, and tell Wedge to point it's index page to MyHome (default_index in the settings table). I've been looking for some time now, but where can I find and change that setting..??
I've read ALL the windows but cannot find your suggestion...


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Installing language packs
« Reply #1, on May 11th, 2014, 01:00 AM »
- There's no Dutch language pack, AFAIK.
- plugin-info.xml files are for plugins, not for language packs.

You just upload language folders to your /core/languages folder... That's all you need to you. (And activate languages, of course.)

If default_index is not in the database, you can add it manually. (?)


  • All i want is a couple days off
  • Posts: 132
Re: Installing language packs
« Reply #2, on May 11th, 2014, 11:14 AM »
Quote from Xonnext
Should I not use those files? And if so, where can I find the proper files..?
Download at Wedge/languages  and after download extract and you will get the available and updated language files/maps