Change Blurb on forum home page?

Rob Novitsky

  • Posts: 12
Change Blurb on forum home page?
« on April 26th, 2014, 08:34 PM »
Is there an easier way to change the description on the front page, rather than messing with the code? I'm talking about:
This is us.
This forum is running Wedge, a forum-building platform written in PHP 5. In order to change this blurb, you can clone the following files: core/app/Home.php, core/html/Home.template.php, core/languages/Home.*.php. Give them a different prefix, such as MyHome. Apply your modifications to these new files, upload them, and tell Wedge to point its index page to MyHome (default_index in the settings table).
While this may seem complicated, this allows you to provide multiple translations for your blurb, and safely modify your files without seeing them overwritten by a Wedge update.
Help is appreciated. :cool:


  • Posts: 343
Re: Change Blurb on forum home page?
« Reply #1, on April 26th, 2014, 08:59 PM »
I dont think so but actually its quite easy to change it.
Open /core/languages/Home.english.php (german, or whatever languages you have installed) and edit the variables there.
The only problem with this is that after each upgrade you have to change it again (Or you do it as described in the default message).


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Re: Change Blurb on forum home page?
« Reply #2, on April 26th, 2014, 09:28 PM »
Done it this way core->languages->Home. english.php..........sorry for the quotes tag but there's something wrong with the code tag.
// Version: 2.0; Home
// This is a sample file.

$txt['home_title'] = 'This is us.';
$txt['home_intro'] = '
         This forum is running Wedge, a forum-building platform written in PHP 5.
Code: [Select]
// Version: 2.0; Home
// This is a sample file.

$txt[&#039;home_title&#039;] = &#039;This is us.&#039;;
$txt[&#039;home_intro&#039;] = &#039;
This forum is running Wedge, a forum-building platform written in PHP 5.


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  • Posts: 17
Re: Change Blurb on forum home page?
« Reply #3, on April 26th, 2014, 10:20 PM »Last edited on April 27th, 2014, 01:04 AM
Does not seem to be a simple way but what I had to do was this

Make copies of home.english.php, home.php and home.template.php and name those copies:

MyHome.english.php , MyHome.php, MyHome.template.php  ( or whatever prefix you want )

In MyHome.english.php edit and change the string to whatever you want.

Then edit the MyHome.php and change line 24 from 'function Home' to 'function MyHome'.  ( this part was not explicitly mentioned in the original instructions )

Code: [Select]
// Welcome to the show.
function Home()
global $context, $txt, $settings;

Code: [Select]
// Welcome to the show.
function MyHome()
global $context, $txt, $settings;

Then in MySQL edit the Wedge db and change the default_index from 'Home' to 'MyHome'.

Purge the site cache and refresh the screen. You should see the new blurb and you will be future proof from updates.

Rob Novitsky

  • Posts: 12