I'm not thinking it would, generally.
Here's the thing: disabled has 3 uses, all sort of related.
Firstly, it's extracted from the master modSettings entry, and that's done on first entering parse_bbc. Now, it's used once by the print code to turn off certain codes, then it's used to check whether certain codes are active or not, and add other codes (e.g. the mutant list codes) and lastly it's actually used to ignore tags when parsing.
The key point is that it isn't cached, so that the master list of tags is always consistent, even if you switch between normal and print-page within the cache lifetime, you won't get mashed up tags.
Ignoring the master modSetting and rebuilding it from the main tag list should be a one-per-page affair (when the master bbcodes are loaded, after cache retrieval occurs), so the hit should not be that serious at all.
Really, though, a lot more of it is figuring out how the UI should interact so that the loading can handle everything it's supposed to and set disabled appropriately - setting 'url' to disabled takes out all variants on the url bbcode, not just any one particular style.