New bububububuuuuug!!
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Requires argument 2, 'wedit:format_time', to be a valid callback in /Sources/Class-Editor.php on line 2015
This occurs whenever I click on the Modify post button (not using quick modify button.) I couldn't test modifying older posts/topics since a recent board setting changed to forbid editing old post. I was able to test in another thread which created the same result as the first time I encountered this. Hitting the Preview button with javascript disabled, I will nolonger see the error message.
Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Requires argument 2, 'wedit:format_time', to be a valid callback in /Sources/Class-Editor.php on line 2015
This occurs whenever I click on the Modify post button (not using quick modify button.) I couldn't test modifying older posts/topics since a recent board setting changed to forbid editing old post. I was able to test in another thread which created the same result as the first time I encountered this. Hitting the Preview button with javascript disabled, I will nolonger see the error message.