$(".umme").mime({ 2367: ["pr", "we/http://innovatenotimitate.com/", "po"], 2813: ["pr", "we/http://www.tulsafinds.com/", "po"] }, { pr: ['Profile', 'View user profile', '', 'profile_button'], we: ['Website', 'Go to user\'s website', '%special%', 'www_button'], po: ['View posts', 'View user\'s latest contributions', '?area=showposts', 'post_button'] }, true);
It may not appear to you, this seems to appear while not logged in (viewing topic as guest.)
Posted: February 11th, 2013, 05:34 AM
Ah, right. This problem occurs regardless of browsers and skin used.
Posted: February 11th, 2013, 05:35 AM
Snooping around, this seems to have something to do with Arantor's profile. Go to the link above where I found the bug, then hover your mouse cursor over his name, you'll then see "Website" which goes to Arantor's website. Do the same for godboko71's name. So this appears to be javascript for that fancy effect. Note that on the bug pages, you don't get that fancy effect.