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Re: Linktree
« Reply #15, on October 19th, 2012, 04:22 PM »
Yeah, I agree with Arantor. It's doesn't look bad per se but the arrow or similar definitely seems slightly more suited or appropriate. Seeing it in live action may help a little.
Quote from Nao
- it's pointed to the left, not to the right. It goes against the 'established standards'.
I don't quite understand?


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Linktree
« Reply #16, on October 19th, 2012, 04:29 PM »
In a linktree, usage shows that 99.99% of those websites that have 'arrows' will make them point to the right, rather than to the left...

Wedge > Forum > Topic


Wedge < Forum < Topic
Re: Linktree
« Reply #17, on October 19th, 2012, 06:10 PM »
So... For further reference, I'll post the entire linktree code for the rounded corner version, so that I can easily restore it. I would usually save it in a file aside, but I thought users with access might want to see how it looked in context.
(Plus, it's some cool CSS... :))

That's in skins/Wine/Wuthering/extra.css, of course.
Now I'll work on trying to add a border on the arrow version... I think I can do it.

Code: [Select]
// The navigation list (i.e. linktree)
background: transparent
margin: 0 -math($sidebar-width + 20) 0 0 // This is to allow the linktree to use the sidebar space...
border-radius: 8px
background: linear-gradient(0deg, #fdfdfd, #ededed)
padding: 0
border: 1px solid #ccc
margin: 8px 0 12px
height, line-height: 30px
overflow: hidden
position: relative
margin-right: -11px
padding-left: 8px
padding-right: 18px
background: linear-gradient(0deg, #fdfdfd, #ededed)
box-shadow: -2px 0 5px
border-radius: 20px 0 0 20px
border-radius: 0
background: linear-gradient(10deg, #fff0f0, #efe0e0)
background: linear-gradient(0deg, darken(#fdfdfd, 5%), darken(#ededed, 5%))
background: linear-gradient(0deg, darken(#fffdfd, 5%), darken(#efeded, 5%))
Re: Linktree
« Reply #18, on October 19th, 2012, 11:22 PM »
Ah HA!

This is far from perfect (probably because I'm per-pixelling it in my head -- the box-shadow isn't half as good as the previous one), but this is much closer to what I had in mind...

Works with hover effects, too.

So... What do you think?
I can still go for the arrow version, but I'll only accept it if I can do that small border on the side of the arrow... Which currently I'm still far from getting, I'm afraid. Perhaps it'll come to me at one point...

📎 breadcrumb.png - 4.1 kB, 392x45, viewed 259 times.

Re: Linktree
« Reply #19, on October 19th, 2012, 11:28 PM »
And... Nailed!! (It was a clip issue. I forgot to account for the shadow width and resorted to an inset out of laziness...)

📎 breadcrumb.png - 4.13 kB, 389x48, viewed 256 times.


  • Now I see the changes you're talking about.
  • Posts: 115
Re: Linktree
« Reply #20, on October 19th, 2012, 11:59 PM »
Doooood! that's just visually stunning. Nice work, Nao! Super stuff...


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Linktree
« Reply #21, on October 21st, 2012, 10:58 AM »
Do you think I should use it across all skins?

The main issue is that I can't support multiline link trees for now...
Re: Linktree
« Reply #22, on October 22nd, 2012, 03:20 PM »
Also bump...

Awfully quiet these days, innit? It's like I'm the only want who want that alpha to be out... :P

Maybe I should start asking everyone here who wants to be part of the private alpha sessions...?


  • Living on the edge of Wedge
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Re: Linktree
« Reply #23, on October 22nd, 2012, 03:39 PM »
It's quiet because it only depends on you and Arantor to realease the beast :)
For sure everybody wants to get involved and starting to test wedge.
So if both of you think the world is ready for an alpha, let's go :)

# dpkg-reconfigure brain
error: brain is not installed or configured


  • As powerful as possible, as complex as necessary.
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Re: Linktree
« Reply #24, on October 22nd, 2012, 03:41 PM »
It is quiet, yes :( As it stands, if we're happy with the fact that certain things are quite heavily broken (banning, basically, though group/board UI is broken), then yes, there's no real reason a private alpha should be held up any longer.
When we unite against a common enemy that attacks our ethos, it nurtures group solidarity. Trolls are sensational, yes, but we keep everyone honest. | Game Memorial


  • Trying to earn brownie points for a lads trip to the Red Sea. Minus 1 already - just for asking!!
  • Posts: 350
Re: Linktree
« Reply #25, on October 22nd, 2012, 03:47 PM »
The calm before the storm ?

My forum users have all f*cked off - its too cold to dive. Pussies !!
Willing to help out testing 'non technical' stuff if required though.

<br /><br />cough, cough.


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Linktree
« Reply #26, on October 22nd, 2012, 05:03 PM »
Quote from Pandos on October 22nd, 2012, 03:39 PM
It's quiet because it only depends on you and Arantor to realease the beast :)
Well, then I guess it's time to open a new topic to prepare for it...
For sure everybody wants to get involved and starting to test wedge.
So if both of you think the world is ready for an alpha, let's go :)
Yes, it's ready.

Well, it isn't ready for Pete because of broken features. I don't mind about them.
It isn't ready for me because of unwritten features that I really wanted in, but are too complex to be done in less than a month, and we've already postponed enough as it is. Pete doesn't mind about them.

So, since none of us see any problems with the reason the other has to postpone, it probably means we're simply wary of a release in general, because it's been comfortable working in our own little dark corner for the last two years, and we're just scared of having our first noobs telling us it doesn't work :P
Re: Linktree
« Reply #27, on January 22nd, 2013, 06:20 PM »
So... For those curious, here's a screenshot of the tentative linktree for Weaving.

It's using an arrow instead of a circle, the CSS is a bit shorter but not that much.
There aren't any pretty animations or anything, it's just what you can see below.

Is it worth committing, or should we stick to the default Weaving one..?

📎 breadcrumbarrow.png - 3.2 kB, 429x47, viewed 214 times.


  • As powerful as possible, as complex as necessary.
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Re: Linktree
« Reply #28, on January 22nd, 2013, 06:50 PM »
I like it :)

I'm not sure about replacing the default one, I'd sort of like to leave all the options for people if they want them.


  • Now I see the changes you're talking about.
  • Posts: 115
Re: Linktree
« Reply #29, on January 22nd, 2013, 06:54 PM »
The arrows are definitely working for me too :) but yeah, like Arantor said some may choose the current circular style over the arrows but I am totally digging the arrows.