Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #30, on April 8th, 2013, 06:39 PM »
The one problem with accepting outside funding is that we stop building it how we see fit, and start building what others want us to build, which is not the same thing at all. Features start getting adopted that are specific to a single use/single installation, rather than a broader use (and I'm aware that this has happened already)

Right now we build what we want to build and that's ultimately the bottom line - people can make suggestions and whatnot, and we're not under any obligation to accept them, but we will if we can see the benefit of it. But the minute money gets involved, it changes that dynamic, and I'd hate to compromise what we have for the benefit of the few at the expense of the majority. I'm just very wary about it.
Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #31, on April 8th, 2013, 06:47 PM »
Also, I played around with the display, making the notification bit full width rather than partial width, and collapsing the different languages by default.

📎 infractions_5b.png - 36.46 kB, 930x561, viewed 975 times.

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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #32, on April 8th, 2013, 07:40 PM »
Quote from Arantor on April 8th, 2013, 06:39 PM
The one problem with accepting outside funding is that we stop building it how we see fit, and start building what others want us to build, which is not the same thing at all. Features start getting adopted that are specific to a single use/single installation, rather than a broader use (and I'm aware that this has happened already)

Right now we build what we want to build and that's ultimately the bottom line - people can make suggestions and whatnot, and we're not under any obligation to accept them, but we will if we can see the benefit of it. But the minute money gets involved, it changes that dynamic, and I'd hate to compromise what we have for the benefit of the few at the expense of the majority. I'm just very wary about it.
We have always issued unconditional grants based on recognition of supporting a worthy cause to help not hinder nor get involved in R&D. We seek no rewards/compensation or recognition for this grant. Nor is there any restrictions on its use or abuse. There are no obligations or expectations. We have in the past issued grants to some very successful venture and we have also seen some take advantage of the offering and disappear. So be it, I'm sure what ever they used it for was to some benefit. We don't even require an accounting of the funds allocations.
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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #33, on April 8th, 2013, 10:59 PM »
Pete, do you mean you've modified the template header..? Because I've been modifying it a lot, too... Well, not visually, but internally... Anyway... I think it's looking good, right now..? I can understand hiding the full set of flags by default if we have many, 3 may be a tad too many, but what to replace it with..? A flag of the current language, plus an arrow to indicate a popup can be shown...?
(I also need to do something to unify the popups that are everywhere, i.e. mini-menus, main menus, search popup and notification popup... Would be nice if they all more or less followed a common pattern...)

Also, what size of the language file for your new feature..? I fear the worst :lol:

Regarding R&D, I don't really have an opinion right now. I don't need the money, but I think that nearly three years of uninterrupted, full-time work on a free project is bordering on madness, and I guess I can't continue like that forever. Emphasis on 'full-time' and 'forever'... These are usually not compatible.
So, being paid to do this, would be a great excuse to keep working on something I've always loved doing. (Well, always loved doing the front-end stuff -- the back-end a bit less, but then Pete loves working on it, which is why we are perfectly complementary here ;))

Anyway... It's the usual conversation. As I don't know what exactly is Pete's position on whether or not he sees himself working on Wedge in a few years from now, and I myself can't predict the future that easily (what if I suddenly have a kid..?), it's relatively pointless to make statements about the future of Wedge. Its only future, is that it's going to be out for the public to enjoy, one day. When we feel confident everything's perfect.


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #34, on April 9th, 2013, 12:18 AM »
Pete, do you mean you've modified the template header..?
I have changed Subs-Template.php, yes. Specifically in this section:

Code: [Select]
// If the user is banned from posting, inform them of it.
elseif (!$showed_banned && isset($_SESSION['ban']['cannot_post']))
$showed_banned = true;
echo '
<div class="windowbg wrc alert" style="margin: 2ex; padding: 2ex; border: 2px dashed red">
', sprintf($txt['you_are_post_banned'], we::$is_guest ? $txt['guest_title'] : we::$user['name']);

if (!empty($_SESSION['ban']['cannot_post']['reason']))
echo '
<div style="padding-left: 4ex; padding-top: 1ex">', $_SESSION['ban']['cannot_post']['reason'], '</div>';

if (!empty($_SESSION['ban']['expire_time']))
echo '
<div>', sprintf($txt['your_ban_expires'], timeformat($_SESSION['ban']['expire_time'], false)), '</div>';
echo '
<div>', $txt['your_ban_expires_never'], '</div>';

echo '

I'm still not really in a position to commit anything so it's not like there's any immediate pressure on it - the reality is that even after I get it completed, there's going to be a *lot* of testing going on.
I can understand hiding the full set of flags by default if we have many, 3 may be a tad too many, but what to replace it with..? A flag of the current language, plus an arrow to indicate a popup can be shown...?
That's not what it's about. This is about providing admins with the ability to set per-language facilities for warning templates. At some stage in some fashion, there will *need* to be all the flags. The later screenshot is simply taking what was already there (one fieldset per language) and collapsing them. If you have 50 languages installed, you may well need to set up 50 languages' worth of warnings. I don't really want to go down the popup route with this. Doesn't feel right.
Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #35, on April 12th, 2013, 01:19 AM »
So, one of the things I needed to do was fix up the ban settings in the profile area. I never fixed it up with the replaced ban system. Long story.

Anyway, while I started work on it, it occurred to me that a ban-yourself option might be worth doing, if you want to take a timeout from somewhere and don't necessarily have the proper discipline to enforce it - like me at times :P

This is WIP. I'd be quite happy to modify wording if people have better suggestions.

📎 ban_yourself.png - 25.5 kB, 948x376, viewed 941 times.


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #38, on April 12th, 2013, 02:55 AM »
I was actually suggesting calling it by something of the sort rather than Ban yourself.


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #39, on April 12th, 2013, 03:51 AM »
Sort of but sort of not the same thing. Suspend account or deactivate account implies a longer term permanence, rather than a shorter-term time-out.

That's why 1) the default is 2 weeks and 2) it's not in the screenshot but there's no 'indefinitely' option to the timescale.

I should add, I'm not exactly that enthused by this (it just struck me that it would fit alongside what I was already doing), it would not really worry me to actually not implement this and make it a plugin later.


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #41, on April 12th, 2013, 04:20 AM »
Ban yourself sounds more permanent to me than Suspend. For example I've been suspended [from school] for x number of days and I've had a friend or 2 been expelled. I guess this is the view that kinda ran thru my mind.

There were 2 types of suspensions internal and external. An internal suspension I was allowed to go to school but not my regular classes for set number of days, I see this as the option of not being able to post. An external suspension i was not allowed to go to school for set number of days, so I viewed this as not being able to visit the site.

While the word ban reminds me of my friends that were expelled just were not allowed back to the school ever.

Not sure why this is where my mind went :P but that was the cause for my suggestions.

hmm I actually already assumed this was plugin material not sure why.

Posted: April 12th, 2013, 04:19 AM

Ahhh now I know why... next topic that way << is plugin revs.. I knew I saw the word plugin somewhere :eheh:


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #42, on April 12th, 2013, 04:20 AM »
Hmm, yes, I see your point.

As for being plugin material, you're right. It should be. It doesn't fit in the core. It's not exactly a lot of code at this point (since it essentially just issues a very specific type of warning in the log)

* Arantor gets out the bone saw and starts cutting :niark:


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Re: Miscellaneous/WIP screenshots
« Reply #44, on April 13th, 2013, 06:15 AM »
One of the things I never did when overhauling the ban system was fix up the Profile > Ban User page. Now, as mentioned I was sort of playing with it, but there still wasn't a way to actually ban a user from their profile.

Here's the WIP I have of that.

📎 ban_user.png - 47.11 kB, 952x889, viewed 913 times.