[master d3d6572]
309 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
* Okay... Step 1: rename Themes to core. The rest will follow, I don't want to screw it up.
[master d614364]
187 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
* Step 2: move Sources to core/sources. Phew...
[master e902490]
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
* Step 3: move Plugins to core/plugins.
[master 83b218c]
92 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-), 421.48 KiB (total for all commits in this push.)
* Started updating the program with the new folder structure. I'm totally sweating right now. Moved template files to templates subfolder. Introduced a CORE constant to make it easier to link to these subfolders. (Load.php, QueryString.php, Subs-Cache.php, Subs-Template.php, Themes.php, contributors.txt, install.php, install.sql, ManageBoards.template.php, ManagePlugins.template.php, maybe others.)
* Reverted core/plugins to plugins, to avoid the risk of having core/ URLs in the HTML. I could have ammended my last commit, but this allows me to change the folder to lowercase without any issues with git follow rename. (plugins/*)
* Details. (ManageServer.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
! Fixed SSI link. (Home.template.php)
! Fixed undefined variable in session reading. (Load.php)
- Removed what seems to be a buggy line in the plugin CSS cache code that was supposed to be replaced by a fix, but both lines remained in there. Hmm. QC anyone? (Subs-Cache.php)
- Getting rid of folder names for add_js_file calls to any files within the javascript folder. I'm also considering removing the js extension to match add_css_file calls, but I'm not sure yet. I like adding the js extension, for some reason. (37 files; Admin, Class-Editor, Load, ManageBans, ManageBoards, Profile, Subs-Cache, Subs-Editor, Subs, Aeva-Foxy, Aeva-Gallery2, Aeva-ModCP, Aeva-Subs-Vital, ManageMedia, ManageMedia2; TEMPLATES: Admin, Boards, Display, Login, ManageBoards, ManageMembergroups, ManageNews, ManagePaid, Media, MessageIndex, PersonalMessage, Profile, Recent, Register, Reminder, Stats, index; SKINS: skin.xml, Warm/skin.xml, Wilde/skin.xml, Wine/skin.xml, Wuthering/skin.xml)
NB - This is the quasi-final folder structure, but it may get tweaked depending on my needs, really. At this point, I accept the idea that I'll have an unclean portion of my git history (with many successive folder renames), but it's okay, as it won't hurt either Show Log or Blame in TortoiseGit.