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IE Text Highlighting issue in Posts
« on November 4th, 2012, 12:09 AM »

I am using Internet Explorer 9, and whenever I try to highlight the text within a post, the screen automatically adjusts its position to the top of the post's block meaning the specific portion of text I wanted to highlight actually doesn't highlight properly. It isn't very noticeable in small posts but in a topic such as this one which I wanted to copy the application steps, the browser kept bringing me to the top of the post. This made it very difficult to highlight text in the post.

Works fine on Chrome v22 and Firefox 16. Applies to all themes.


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Re: IE Text Highlighting issue in Posts
« Reply #2, on November 4th, 2012, 06:35 PM »
It's an intriguing one for sure... But if anyone isn't really sure what I mean I can post a short video.


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Re: IE Text Highlighting issue in Posts
« Reply #3, on November 26th, 2012, 03:37 AM »
Does this happen on local installs?

I seem to recall this being related to the attachment drag and drop plugin of Dragooon's, which also may or may not have been fixed in the intervening time.
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