OK, so I'm fixing up the calendar at last, and there's the grisly assortment of mismatches of variables and things out of scope where they were before in the original code and I forgot to preserve it.
But, interestingly, I got this to happen.
The top template, as you might recognise, is the fatal error template. The theory is that it should normally override everything and anything. But it's called with a simple wetem::load, and as it happens in this case, another wetem::load has already been issued before we get to the actual fatal_lang_error call.
I'm inclined to think that the fatal error should override and remove anything in the default layer rather than the current prepending behaviour.
Thoughts (Nao especially)?
But, interestingly, I got this to happen.
The top template, as you might recognise, is the fatal error template. The theory is that it should normally override everything and anything. But it's called with a simple wetem::load, and as it happens in this case, another wetem::load has already been issued before we get to the actual fatal_lang_error call.
I'm inclined to think that the fatal error should override and remove anything in the default layer rather than the current prepending behaviour.
Thoughts (Nao especially)?