
  • Posts: 5
Aeva Media 2.0
« on March 13th, 2015, 11:59 PM »
I purchased Aeva Media 2.0 but was not given a link to download it. Where do I go to get it?


  • "a valuable asset to the community"
  • Posts: 492
Re: Aeva Media 2.0
« Reply #1, on March 14th, 2015, 06:59 PM »
You may be able to download it from the media gallery on here. Hover over 'Home' to get there.


  • Posts: 5
Re: Aeva Media 2.0
« Reply #3, on March 15th, 2015, 05:01 AM »
Can anyone help me on the install? I get this error:

14.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Profile.php    Test failed
      1.    Add After    ./Sources/Profile.php    Test failed

These are the mod I have installed:

1.    Page Management    1.4    [ Uninstall ]
2.    Hide Images from Guests    2.0    [ Uninstall ]
3.    Remove Help From Menu    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
4.    Default Avatar    2.3    [ Uninstall ]
5.    SMF 2.0.7 Update    1.0    [ Uninstall ]


  • "a valuable asset to the community"
  • Posts: 492
Re: Aeva Media 2.0
« Reply #4, on March 16th, 2015, 10:59 PM »
I haven't used SMF for a while, but isn't there a way to show details of the error? Some kind of down arrow?


  • Posts: 5
Re: Aeva Media 2.0
« Reply #5, on March 18th, 2015, 05:44 PM »
This is what it shows. I am not a programmer so any direction is appreciated.  -Lewis

Code: (Find) [Select]

            'activateaccount' => array(
               'file' => 'Profile-Actions.php',
               'function' => 'activateAccount',
               'sc' => 'get',
               'select' => 'summary',
               'permission' => array(
                  'own' => array(),
                  'any' => array('moderate_forum'),

Code: (Add After) [Select]

      // Aeva Media changes
      'aeva' => array(
         'title' => $txt['aeva_gallery'],
         'areas' => array(
            'aeva' => array(
               'file' => 'Aeva-Gallery2.php',
               'function' => 'aeva_profileSummary',
               'label' => $txt['aeva_profile_sum'],
               'permission' => array(
                  'own' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
                  'any' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
               'load_member' => true,
            'aevaitems' => array(
               'file' => 'Aeva-Gallery2.php',
               'function' => 'aeva_profileItems',
               'label' => $txt['aeva_view_items'],
               'permission' => array(
                  'own' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
                  'any' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
               'load_member' => true,
            'aevacoms' => array(
               'file' => 'Aeva-Gallery2.php',
               'function' => 'aeva_profileComments',
               'label' => $txt['aeva_view_coms'],
               'permission' => array(
                  'own' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
                  'any' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
               'load_member' => true,
            'aevavotes' => array(
               'file' => 'Aeva-Gallery2.php',
               'function' => 'aeva_profileVotes',
               'label' => $txt['aeva_view_votes'],
               'permission' => array(
                  'own' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
                  'any' => array('aeva_viewprofile'),
               'load_member' => true,
      // End Aeva Media changes


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,080
Re: Aeva Media 2.0
« Reply #6, on March 18th, 2015, 07:39 PM »
I'd recommend switching to Wedge instead, but what do I know...... :whistle:


  • Posts: 5
Re: Aeva Media 2.0
« Reply #7, on March 19th, 2015, 07:27 PM »
Guess I'm waiting for the full version. :angel: