Apart from Slartibartfast (sp?), Zappy Beeblebrox (sp?), Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect and Marvin the Paranoid Android, I don't remember anyone else... Even them -- their French names are easier for me to remember: Saloprilopette, Zappy BBC (sic!), Arthur Accroc, Ford Escort and, err.. Marvin.
Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Tricia "Trillian" MacMillan, Zaphod Beeblebrox (the First), Marvin the Paranoid Android, Eddie the Ship Board Computer, Slartibartfast, Frankie and Benjy Mouse, Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council, Mr L Prosser...
...then there's the programmers of Deep Thought (and their 7.5m year old descendents) plus the philosophers Majikthise and Vroomfondel... when they get to Milliways, they meet Hotblack Desiato (who is spending a year dead for tax reasons) and his bodyguard and they meet the meat, the dish of the day, as well as seeing the host of the evening, Max Quordlepleen, just before the Great Prophet Zarquon has his Second Coming, as well as other mentions like the Asgoths of Kria - and in fact the Gods of Valhalla are present at the End of the Universe.
Then we have the Golgafrinchams, though other than the Captain and the top 3 ranked staff, they're not really given names. Arthur and Ford do meet up with a couple of them but I don't seem to recall whether they have names. Then there's Hactar the Computer who has to build an Ultimate Bomb and ends up tricking the Krikkits into xenocidal war. Meanwhile, there is Prak who speaks The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth, Zarniwoop, the Starship Titantic, or there's Judiciary Pag who ruled on the fate of the Krikkits after the war, or Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged.
Then we have Fenchurch... Fenny... who was sat in a cafe in Rickmansworth and knew how to make everything good and right and no-one would have to be nailed to anything... who also learns to fly. And if we're staying canonical, we also have Random "Frequent Flyer" Dent
Oh, there's plenty of options
;) There's even, IIRC, Zim the mattress from Squorncellos (sp?) Zeta. And how could I forget the mad, fat, scruffy bat, Agrajag? (As voiced by Adams himself in the radio show)
Apart from the 5th book which I hate with a passion (I never got around to reading the recent 6th one), I loved them all, especially the first and fourth...
Adams himself wasn't happy with the fifth book. It wasn't where he wanted to end the series. Oddly enough I loved those two books too
;) Oh, and don't read 'And Another Thing'. Even the first page reads like fan fiction rather than a proper H2G2 book. Eoin Colfer is not the man for that job - don't get me wrong, I thought Artemis Fowl was very clever but Colfer doesn't have the right kind of imagination for H2G2. Jasper Fforde on the other hand... easily has.
My other favorite books aren't exactly filled with easy-to-remember names, though... La Horde du Contrevent, Gloriana, What Mad Universe!, maybe Riverworld though..? It has many historical characters in it...
Yeah, I haven't heard of those. The other fantasy that might work, though... is Discworld. No shortage of characters there.
C...Crap, Can't Conceive of one starting with C... :^^;:
Okay, let's just forget this one, I guess...
Posted: May 28th, 2013, 03:23 PM
Think I know H2G2 a little too well?