@Nightwish> Actually I think that Github for Windows' only good point is its Metro-inspired UI... Other than that, well, I uninstalled it long ago... It was 'relatively' easy to grasp, doesn't expose a lot of features but it still needs a lot of work.
@PantsManUK> Hmmm... A Wedge repo on GH? Well, I suppose we'd need an official GH repo synced from our SVN... Like
https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/ for instance... But I have to say, I don't see myself keeping track of it... Let alone integrating pull requests back into SVN. Maybe if we have a git specialist around (Dragooon?) who'd like to volunteer for the job...
Posted: August 3rd, 2012, 01:07 PM
@On topic: Bloc posted again on
the subject... All I can say is, what good is it to call us 'narrow-minded'? I think we all established long ago that we're all very protective of our own work, and while open to outside suggestions, we still ultimately retain the final decision on our own stuff... This is what Bloc can, and does do with ViennaBBS, and what we do with Wedge. The very fact that Bloc left the Wedge project over the fact that I didn't follow *all* of his advice on the logo creation process says it all to me... I think he needed/wanted to be in charge of the entire visual area of Wedge, and would have stayed if he had such freedom. But I'm just as excited as he is about design, and although I don't have his skills, I do have a lot of experience, having been making neat websites for the last 16 years, so, what can I say... I guess it was already written. I don't think we lost time over this, though. I just find it sad that Bloc thinks he did. I for one sure would like to be able to rely on his skills and ideas for Wedge. But I'd rather have nothing, than have to give him full control over our themes, considering his recent lack of focus.