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Messages - texasman1979
The Pub / Re: this may be addressed elsewhere?
« on June 15th, 2011, 02:18 PM »
I stand in awe of the passion in these rooms. I will not die till i sit with arantor in person over drinks. That will be a fine day indeed. :) Maybe well go to budapest and chill with my hungarian friend. Hell well all go fishing in the mediteranian. Regardless of your opinion of me, i have always shown respect for your work. I just simply wanted to express my points and have them well scrutonized. If it takes hating me, so be it. Passion for ones lifes work is to be expected. Again, i truly cant wait to see wedge in action. I will certainly be impressed. :)
The Pub / Re: this may be addressed elsewhere?
« on June 14th, 2011, 05:05 PM »
One of these days im gonna take a european vacation and have a drink with ya. It is a benefit for me to learn from you. Maybe some day youll see the admiration for your work. Maybe not.
The Pub / Re: this may be addressed elsewhere?
« on June 13th, 2011, 08:49 PM »
That was a long way of saying its not ready yet. Bummer of no hint of what kind of time frame till yall are. Best of luck to ya, cant wait to see yalls fine work.
The Pub / this may be addressed elsewhere?
« on June 13th, 2011, 06:57 PM »
wheres the download link?

very interested to see what is different.

Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 11:59 PM »
Wow, cant say anything at all without yall getting all bent out of shape. I said i was on a fone, and they said i suck, i make a joke to play it down, you say i suck some more. That is just amazing. lol
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 11:16 PM »
How is that an insult, the man speaks better english than i do. Lol
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 11:06 PM »
Tell ya what, ill get my old brother word processor and mail nao a letter and make him type it up for more english practice. lol
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 11:02 PM »
Hmmm, im on a fone that has no enter key. I spose ill have to fix it later. :)
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 09:07 PM »
The package manager could be set up like this: when you open the package manager it opens up to a screen quite similar to the interface it has now except with some specific features added. First, a button (a form preloaded with all current mods version numbers, to check if there is new versions available Second, a list of all the mods currently installed (with added info if newer on mod site after button click). Third, a button for pulling up a list of available mods that are not currently installed and are available for release. Fourth, if you select one or more mods, there is a button that allows you to in one step, except for making sure the admin really does want to install these mods and a confirmation of possible known conflicts between one mod or another, download, install and auto redirect to configure screen. Basically 1 php file acting as a download liaison on This file can also include ssi.php and have full secruity and an admin login all its own. As well as making it possible for modders to maintain, enable, and diable their mod according to their needs. Everything to make this work already exists in one form or another in smf. In smf you can download a mod from a url. Well wedge can go further and have a full mod and update interface that combines the update and mod additions in just a few clicks. This is easier to implement than most other changes wedge intends making. The tools are already there, its just a matter of using them a bit different way.
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 07:34 PM »
Is it free? Lol
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 04:46 PM »
A class object is litterally the same as a car. If you want a different color car, you paint it. If you want a different load profile fields, you insert one when the program is not looking. It would run the different code the same way it did the first one. with computers getting faster literally everyday, a few more lines of code to achieve this, really makes no difference. In 1985 a 16 gig hard drive was like wow. Now, even cheap computers are sold with 500 gig drives. So thinking witb the same constraints of old, is just as obsurd as taking a stroll on the sun. The possibilites of the current state of technology is only being utilized by prolly 10% of the programming world, simply cause they dont know it is possible. Nothing ive said so far has escaped fully, other minds out there, but they out of intimidation of the power of their own imagination, and the possibility of ridicule, prevent them from taking the leaps that are in fact possible. You got some guy saying naw, it cant be done that way, or dude thats not practicle, or your just a dumbass, shut up! I say that it is only impossible, when someone chooses not to do it. Is it practicle, who knows, it hasnt been done before. The entirety of php is modifiable, cause it is open source. Nothing is impossible.
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 04:28 PM »
How this would effect a modder is this: first, you cant just jam whatever you want to in there. Second, it forces them to pay attention to what other mods are currently available, and what they actually do, forcing them to be better modders than they would have been. Third, allowing almost any part if the code to be modified, opening doors to mods that never could have existed in any other way, easily. In the cinstructor if the various classes, this is where these dynamic functions are created. From a modders perspective, the contents in each of these bits would have to be analyzed and their mod added in the most logical way, and that modified bit would be present once the function was called, by default, instead of checking to see if there us a hook there before or after some processing has already potentially taken place. The function is created with the mod already in place.
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 04:01 PM »
Sql statements are quite frequently constructed to pull data dynamically. In php as well as other languages, can create functions the exact sane way. In using a class steucture, it gives a unique platform for doing this. Say one was to want to modify the incredibly rediculous get topics sql. That can be stored in a dynamic array if strings and each bit replaced by a user defined string. Well the exact same thing can be done with whole functions. Also in the same way, javascipt code as well as jquery code can be totally dynamic. In the default program, the strings needed to create the functions would be used in the default cinfiguration, while later there is a mode that can change, literally any of thise bits seamlessly, with simply a modification of the initialazition of those strings arrays. It makes the entire program and all its parts totallh dynamic and totally modifiable, without changing the performance but only on a neglible level. From one perspective, one might think that constructing every function on the fly would be a major performance killer. Well if done incorrectly outside of an intuitive inline way, it most certainly would. But if you plan the software from the very beginning to anticipate change, the performance would be basically the same as it would be in its current form.
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 03:28 PM »
To look at smf as a whole, it is a compilation of many parts. The issue i see is that the software started out being a program written in perl originally, then converted to php, then converted to php again, with many changes along the way. In this process, many changes took place that did in fact make it some very good software. Herein lies the problem. Since its first breath of life as a perl cgi, it never was broken down to its basic elements and approached with fresh vision. It just simply was translated from one to the other. Thats what is holding back a lot if the programming world right now, two decades if rewriting and rewriting of programs that where first dreamed of long ago, without sitting down and really starting from scratch with a fresh and open mind if potential avenues that if currently used in the form they are truely workable, there would exist software that would be the apex of current technology, rather than old ideas made a little better.
Posted: April 12th, 2011, 03:15 PM

Therefore, i wish yall luck, and i hope your vision is realized to the maximum of your dreams. I willing no longer contribute a single thing on this forum, concerning wedge, smf, or anything else, save this topic. I wont even read the responses to this thread. Yall can do with my words what you will. I got a billion lines of code and some serious theories concerning programming in all its states past and present. I got to get the shit out of my head and onto some type of tangible medium. if yall ban me, i spose ill start me a wordpress somewhere. Innovate, not imitate. I appreciate that to the very core of my being. As much as arantor is pissed, go for it man, impress yourself with your work, get pissed at me, fuel your fire. I want to see what you really can do.
Off-topic / Re: Texasmans Programming Blog
« on April 12th, 2011, 03:04 PM »
Class boardindex located at the top of the file with a passed parameter of hook_exsists(). The vast majority of the code exsisting would remain the same, its just how/when the functions get called. On creation of the class, in the constructor, youd have the bool of a hook somewhere present. And in the first call to hook_exists(), you establish the hooks_present array. The boardindex class is made a slave to checking where hooks are and modifying its direction upon creation to include hooks where they are desired. And also, using this method of approach essentially cause memory that needs to be used to be used instead of loading a million things that may not be used. Any step not taken is a step faster.
Posted: April 12th, 2011, 02:46 PM

In smf, the inclusion of many different files and calling functions within them is quite literally a psuedo class structure. The different approach is to use a real class structure like yall did with the db interface. Im quite certain that the main blocks of code that originally existed, still exists in the stripped mysql only code, and of course in the consteuctor i would assume is where the initial db connections are made and start functions called. In the way of processing and presentation that already exist, you basically have ssi header and footer filled with something in the middle. Each of those somethings wether it is forum, blog, admin center, can essentially be a class with both the ptocessing and presentation as properties and methods if the greater class.
Posted: April 12th, 2011, 02:53 PM

With that said, when you throw in the ideal of modifiability, while alsi remaining fast and efficiant, classes gives the opertunity to call whole modified function version cinstructed while building the function with parts created from the default unless otherwise specified, ie a mod inclusion or change.
Posted: April 12th, 2011, 02:56 PM

To implement this type of massive change throughout a software as massive as smf or wedge is with no doubt a paramount change, and virtually a entire rewrite of the software. Lots and lots of work. But there is a big but to consider. As things progress and change, the building blocks of such a change can be integrated through time one bit at a time. Now this does not mean this is the only way or even the best way in some cases, but it definitely is a different approach than what has been used before. Just cause it hasnt been done, doesnt mean that it is a bad way to do it. It just means it hasnt been done before.