This section allows you to view all posts where this member received or gave a like to.
Thank you all! I'll try it quickly ;)
I just install it on localhost, and tested for 30 minutes, I did not discover all the functions availble but for now I can say that I like:
- the responsive template (finaly could say bye bye to tapatalk)
- the avatar that remains in the upper corner when scrolling a long post
- the posts "being merged" when a user make some consecutive replies
- the integration with AevaMedia and the possibility to add an image directly from the editor
- lightbox effect on images from default
- the like system
- shorthand date display
- when user is posting from android it shows the android icon
- the spoiler
- draft posts
- Merge double posts automatically
- the notification system
These are not new functions in wedge, I sow them a few month ago when registered to this site. I could say that are functions that I do not have on SMF
- the responsive template (finaly could say bye bye to tapatalk)
- the avatar that remains in the upper corner when scrolling a long post
- the posts "being merged" when a user make some consecutive replies
- the integration with AevaMedia and the possibility to add an image directly from the editor
- lightbox effect on images from default
- the like system
- shorthand date display
- when user is posting from android it shows the android icon
- the spoiler
- draft posts
- Merge double posts automatically
- the notification system
These are not new functions in wedge, I sow them a few month ago when registered to this site. I could say that are functions that I do not have on SMF