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Nao, you'll probably remember that the 'thought' [in the screenshot] was initially a 'Public' thought. But then, it was changed to be viewed only by 'Members'. I logged out of Wedge and the thought seems to be visible in threads.
<February 24th> format works for me.
So, I thought I'd share the design of my upcoming theme for Wedge. Since Wedge doesn't have any dark themes yet, I'm taking the liberty of creating one. It's based on 'Wilde'. The design is still in its initial stage which means a lot can change but please do share thoughts as to how I can improve it - that is the whole point I'm starting this thread.
So, I thought I'd share the design of my upcoming theme for Wedge. Since Wedge doesn't have any dark themes yet, I'm taking the liberty of creating one. It's based on 'Wilde'. The design is still in its initial stage which means a lot can change but please do share thoughts as to how I can improve it - that is the whole point I'm starting this thread.
So, I thought I'd share the design of my upcoming theme for Wedge. Since Wedge doesn't have any dark themes yet, I'm taking the liberty of creating one. It's based on 'Wilde'. The design is still in its initial stage which means a lot can change but please do share thoughts as to how I can improve it - that is the whole point I'm starting this thread.
Wow, @Nao, I really really like the new ones. The colors are spectacular; they really stand out and give life to the logo. I don't know about the rest but I find it extremely elegant.
@Oracle, why not try to keep it simple? Find a unique but simple font, choose the right colors and you can nail it. Your designs are too funky. For Wedge you've got to try to keep it as professional as possible.
@Oracle, why not try to keep it simple? Find a unique but simple font, choose the right colors and you can nail it. Your designs are too funky. For Wedge you've got to try to keep it as professional as possible.
So today I registered on a forum that was running on vBulletin and it had a pretty handy feature (a plugin, I'm assuming) - quote highlighted text. How it worked was, basically, you would highlight the particular text you wished to quote and then a 'quote' button would appear right above the highlighted text. You then clicked on the appeared button and the text goes straight into the 'quick reply' text box. Pretty neat, I thought.
I've attached a screenshot just in case.
I've attached a screenshot just in case.
Nao, you beauty! I love it. Sick stuff, bro.
That is true, Bloc. But insulting someone who approached this place purely with the intention of being snarky gives me a great sense of satisfaction.
Have a look at this topic to have a better understanding of the kind of person she is. I'm sure you (@Bloc) already know the kind of person she is as she mentions you in a post but this is mostly for everyone else.
She openly advertises her product (TinyPortal is her competitor mind you), openly disrespects the support staff by calling them 'crazy', claims that most of TinyPortal's code was written by her and look at that big-a** signature.
I mean, what kind of behavior is this? To see a developer act this way is just plain ugly! Normally I would say go learn some manners and come back but I think it's a little too late for that.
Have a look at this topic to have a better understanding of the kind of person she is. I'm sure you (@Bloc) already know the kind of person she is as she mentions you in a post but this is mostly for everyone else.
She openly advertises her product (TinyPortal is her competitor mind you), openly disrespects the support staff by calling them 'crazy', claims that most of TinyPortal's code was written by her and look at that big-a** signature.
I mean, what kind of behavior is this? To see a developer act this way is just plain ugly! Normally I would say go learn some manners and come back but I think it's a little too late for that.
You're a woman? Neat. Pics?