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The Pub / Re: Looking for volunteers to test the Wedge private alpha!
Tah Zonemaster « on October 23rd, 2012, 09:41 AM »
I would be more than happy to help out with testing. :)
1 - How long have you been a SMF user? (Approximately...) Since February 2010, so 2.5 years or so.
2 - If you're planning to use Wedge on a live forum, post its URL. -
3 - How much daily time you think you can devote to testing Wedge. (If you're planning to use it on a live forum, you can also rely on your users to help test it.) Please keep in mind that we'd like to keep the private alpha period relatively short (no more than a couple of weeks would be ideal), so I'm really asking about the next couple of weeks mainly. (Well, at least the first couple of weeks after the initial release.) I don't have classes at mondays, so at least three days a week. I also have +/- 4 hours of spare time a day when I need to go to school.
4 - Is there a feature in Wedge that you're most interested in? Something you'll focus your testing on, etc... Or just something you're just excited to use! The moderation filters. :)
5 - If you're a hot young lady, post a picture of you, preferably on a boat (in front of a boat is also acceptable), or in an administration building's waiting line. Extra points if you're wearing a Fez on your left hand. Fezzes are cool. -
1 - How long have you been a SMF user? (Approximately...) Since February 2010, so 2.5 years or so.
2 - If you're planning to use Wedge on a live forum, post its URL. -
3 - How much daily time you think you can devote to testing Wedge. (If you're planning to use it on a live forum, you can also rely on your users to help test it.) Please keep in mind that we'd like to keep the private alpha period relatively short (no more than a couple of weeks would be ideal), so I'm really asking about the next couple of weeks mainly. (Well, at least the first couple of weeks after the initial release.) I don't have classes at mondays, so at least three days a week. I also have +/- 4 hours of spare time a day when I need to go to school.
4 - Is there a feature in Wedge that you're most interested in? Something you'll focus your testing on, etc... Or just something you're just excited to use! The moderation filters. :)
5 - If you're a hot young lady, post a picture of you, preferably on a boat (in front of a boat is also acceptable), or in an administration building's waiting line. Extra points if you're wearing a Fez on your left hand. Fezzes are cool. -
Don't want people thinking that Wedge is prone to crashes :whistle:
I like oddone and welov5 a lot. They all look great, though. :)
Development blog / Re: It only took two guys two years...
Tah Zonemaster « on November 1st, 2012, 06:35 PM »
Congratulations with the alpha release. You have both done an outstanding job and I really like Wedge so far. :)
Happy birthday, have a great one! :)