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Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 30th, 2011, 06:46 PM »seems like SMF is using 2.0
SMF 2.0 | SMF © 2011, Simple Machines
Other software / Re: SMF, yeah right. (Re: Introduction)
« on May 30th, 2011, 01:33 AM »There was a bike club - the Honda Hornet Owners Club - which had a big bust-up a few years ago. Some of its committee members had been wondering where everybody's £5 membership fee was going and they were chucked out, after years of hard work for their club.
They formed their own Hornet club which should have been so much better than the official one (who were up their own arses). But they spent their time slagging of the other club, trying to right old wrongs.
People should have joined them - no £5 fee and a hardworking team. But a club dedicated to slagging off another club, no matter how cathartic to its owners, will only have limited appeal.
Comparing and contrasting is fine, bragging about the bugs you've fixed is fine, but endlessly slagging them off will only turn people off Wedge.
Todate, few of the team can justify their exisitance especially when all they can say for their fupaw is that they are "volunteers". It's a shame they abuse a worthy term to explain screwing up on many levels.
Off-topic / Re: Wedge support
« on May 28th, 2011, 06:25 PM »
And then there are those of us who would not go near FB if it was the only venue available. >:( But are 100% behind the Wedge. :cool:
Features: Posts & Topics / Re: Like/dislike
« on May 12th, 2011, 11:09 PM »
For your consideration - forums are a means of communicating, like/dislike (thumbs up, thumbs down) communicate nothing and allow disagreements without explainations. I would prefer that if there is an agreement or disagreement the person would express that opinion rather than to annonomously like/dislike. Discussions are a 2 way street, why nub it into a oneway street?
Features: Posts & Topics / Re: Previous/next topics
« on May 11th, 2011, 05:23 PM »I'm not aware of this SMF bug.
Or of any connection with the subject of this topic :P
Posted: May 11th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Sorry I now see where I screwed up, the folder is Posts & Topics not the thread. :whistle:
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 11th, 2011, 05:06 PM »
It has never been about about me being a troll or being accused of same, it has always been about their conduct and abuse of power.
Let me try a parallel - you get caught whizzing on some missus flowers. You had a need and did what you had to. You are caught and confronted with your inappropriate behaviour. Rather than deal with you conduct, or apologize from perhaps embarrassment that you been caught you go into defence mode and call your accuser a pervert for watching you handle your man hood. You continue with your accusation of him being a pervert until the issue of your conduct is no longer relevant. Pretty soon others are no longer concerned with your conduct, they have a pervert to deal with. The power of a word. :whistle:
Pervert like troll is nothing more than a strong reactionary word. By this I mean people react to the word and not the issue at hand. It is a manipulative tool to defer the issue from your inappropriate conduct to the accuser. A smoke screen if you like to cloud the issue and divert attention from oneself onto another.
Points I raised some 6 months ago and since, have been lost because the offenders and their support group have successfully diverted having to answer or explain the issue by using this manipulative tool.
I have learned a long time ago, sticks and stones may break my bones but name will never hurt me, a little ditty my grand dad taught me because in my day, (I'm not surprised either that after 80+ this still applies) bullies taunted others who had differences like they do today. So being called a troll doesn't bother me but the inappropriate conduct towards me and I dare say many others, some who are here, is what is somewhat of a bother. How does that manipulator deal with this? He puts the onus on me and diverts attention from his conduct of calling people names because he has no explanation for the original issue and it give him/them a license for further abuse like changing ones avatar and making it impossible for the person to change their profile (in my case).
I have PM's from several others who this has happened to but wish not to stand up to them. Other forum platforms are over flowing with interest from many past SMF users for the same reason.
As many here know, before my time on SMF and now, offering constructive feedback is not an option. It falls on deaf ears, rather than deal with this and fix it, they defer the issue by name calling and smoke and mirrors.
@Nao or Arantor - if you want to move this post to another area, it's perfectly understandable as it is off topic somewhat.
Let me try a parallel - you get caught whizzing on some missus flowers. You had a need and did what you had to. You are caught and confronted with your inappropriate behaviour. Rather than deal with you conduct, or apologize from perhaps embarrassment that you been caught you go into defence mode and call your accuser a pervert for watching you handle your man hood. You continue with your accusation of him being a pervert until the issue of your conduct is no longer relevant. Pretty soon others are no longer concerned with your conduct, they have a pervert to deal with. The power of a word. :whistle:
Pervert like troll is nothing more than a strong reactionary word. By this I mean people react to the word and not the issue at hand. It is a manipulative tool to defer the issue from your inappropriate conduct to the accuser. A smoke screen if you like to cloud the issue and divert attention from oneself onto another.
Points I raised some 6 months ago and since, have been lost because the offenders and their support group have successfully diverted having to answer or explain the issue by using this manipulative tool.
I have learned a long time ago, sticks and stones may break my bones but name will never hurt me, a little ditty my grand dad taught me because in my day, (I'm not surprised either that after 80+ this still applies) bullies taunted others who had differences like they do today. So being called a troll doesn't bother me but the inappropriate conduct towards me and I dare say many others, some who are here, is what is somewhat of a bother. How does that manipulator deal with this? He puts the onus on me and diverts attention from his conduct of calling people names because he has no explanation for the original issue and it give him/them a license for further abuse like changing ones avatar and making it impossible for the person to change their profile (in my case).
I have PM's from several others who this has happened to but wish not to stand up to them. Other forum platforms are over flowing with interest from many past SMF users for the same reason.
As many here know, before my time on SMF and now, offering constructive feedback is not an option. It falls on deaf ears, rather than deal with this and fix it, they defer the issue by name calling and smoke and mirrors.
@Nao or Arantor - if you want to move this post to another area, it's perfectly understandable as it is off topic somewhat.
Features: Posts & Topics / Re: Previous/next topics
« on May 11th, 2011, 06:48 AM »
So is the editor going to be different from *** so that formating isn't removed when spellchecking or previewing?
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 11th, 2011, 06:40 AM »Yeah, my thoughts exactly - plus it's a paper that only affects the members of the NPO, so if someone wished to argue it's validity it should be someone within the NPO.. I see no real reason for anyone to argue over them, when they don't affect you at all.Quote from Nao/Gilles on May 10th, 2011, 06:30 PM Erm... Anyway, I don't believe a document could be nulled in courts just because it doesn't have pretty section numbers... (???)
@Lex, it was more drawing attention to the syntax of the document, which I later discovered was written by Kindred. Yes there are many ways of entering the Articles and Sections, not all are the correct format however. I don't program but in legal circles, like a programmer correcting improper syntax, I am a stickler for format and dotting all i's and crossing all t's.
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 10th, 2011, 06:23 PM »
Yes it is proper to declare Section 1) in the case of one section for that article.Quote Section 2.1 declares second section of the article which contains a subsection .1 of section 2.
You might even find some without (Section) but simply 1), 2), 3) etc under the article.
and that where they have section 2.1 is referring to Article II, section 1 opposed to section 1.0 being missing.
You might even find some without (Section) but simply 1), 2), 3) etc under the article.
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 10th, 2011, 05:53 PM »
Articles are declared with Roman Numerals ie: Article I, II, III etc.
Sections are declared by numeric value and sequence ie: Section 1, 2, 3, etc under the given Article.
Proper declaration
Article I
Section 1)
Section 2)
Article II
Section 1)
Section 2)
Articles are declared with Roman Numerals ie: Article I, II, III etc.
Sections are declared by numeric value and sequence ie: Section 1, 2, 3, etc under the given Article.
Proper declaration
Article I
Section 1)
Section 2)
Article II
Section 1)
Section 2)
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 10th, 2011, 04:38 AM »
Just some legal observations.
1) Article 1 has no sections. Even in the State of Nevada where many questionable incorporation's occur, a designated section is to be declared, not omitted as "Article I Section 1"
2) Article II is missing Section 1.0 through 2.0.
I could go on with all the legal infractions and questionable declarations here, suffice it to say the whole Bylaw is questionable and would be a fools arrand to defend if ever challenged.
1) Article 1 has no sections. Even in the State of Nevada where many questionable incorporation's occur, a designated section is to be declared, not omitted as "Article I Section 1"
2) Article II is missing Section 1.0 through 2.0.
I could go on with all the legal infractions and questionable declarations here, suffice it to say the whole Bylaw is questionable and would be a fools arrand to defend if ever challenged.
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on May 8th, 2011, 01:38 AM »
Just look at the bottom of the box, doesn't it say 'Made in China'? :thanks: :whistle:
Features / Re: Language Translation
« on May 7th, 2011, 03:53 PM »
I agree most aren't multi-lingual but it's something I encounter as our consortium of forums is international and most of us are not versed in each others langauge tho the content of each is of interest to our members. With none of use being coders I've placed the code in a block which is ugly but functional. It would look better if placed in the header.
Features / Language Translation
« on May 7th, 2011, 01:48 PM »
I know Google Translator is not the best, I don't know of any automated one that doesn't give you the heebee jeebee's in the hands of one not interested in the context of the message, but is it posible to have that as an option for languages placed somewhere in the header?
Features: Posts & Topics / Re: Auto-saving Drafts (posts and PMs)
« on May 7th, 2011, 01:37 PM »
Thank you Pete, this will probably be the most used feature for me. Posts requiring some thought have been seen lingering in my text editor for hours if not days before cutting and pasting a reply. :thanks: