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Funny how this thread's turned into an SMF slag-fest.
Pity, really, because it rather detracts from what my original post was about.
I felt pretty strongly about the ol' "Paid-for support" thing and I was hoping to see whether my opinions were total bollox, tiz all...
For the record, though, I was (Maybe even still am!) Vice-President of SMF. Even I didn't have the ability to change people's avatars and all that shit.
Support team members and even the lead(s) can't either. Unless, of course, something pretty dramatic has changed, there, since I left. Which I, somehow, doubt.
I can't count the number of people who sent me PM over there thanking me for taking a stand, feeling bad about the unjustified persecution, both staff and members, expressing having experienced the same abuse.
Someone with the powers found out because I made reference to all the complaints and support I got in PM's and those posts disappeared shortly after.
Someone is very skillful at covering their tracks, with fog and misdirection.
The fact that you are an outspoken person yet as VP have no access to many controls says a lot. I'm thinking someone doesn't want you to know the truth. Deniability puts you in a save corner and gives you some immunity when the shit does hit the fan. Keeping you in the dark also affords them with a reputable person saying things are not what they seem and make it viable.
If your position as VP gives no more of a voice than that of a puppet perhaps it's time you too stepped further out of the box they created.
The losers are their users --