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Messages - Road Rash Jr.
Plugins / [Naming poll] Re: Packages
« on July 12th, 2011, 06:21 PM »
I voted for add-on because they add to the functionality of wedge.
Thinga majigs that hook up to the wicha macall its. That make the whoits work. :whistle:
Nao's writing style is intoxicating enough  :whistle: Just love it :cool:
Development blog / Re: « Just when I think I'm back in... »
« on June 27th, 2011, 08:36 PM »
There was telegraph, and the most reliable, telewoman. Never lost a connection with that one though they were known for going down once in a while  :whistle:
Development blog / Re: « Just when I think I'm back in... »
« on June 27th, 2011, 05:46 PM »
28.8 Kbps US Robotics modem
Damn that was fast. I remember the 300's where you sent your office worker a memo, walked to his office to let him know I sent one, which he received the next day sometime. :whistle:
Then there was the air tubes. Faster yet when you sprayed WD40 on the canister. :whistle: :whistle:
Other software / Re: I can hardly wait
« on June 25th, 2011, 11:07 PM »
The specificity of the region of residence. (an example is Canada. There are also two languages)
There are more than two.
Canadians  reported more than 200 languages as mother tongues in the 2006 Census. These  include languages associated with traditional immigration, such as German,  Italian, Ukrainian and Dutch, and languages that characterize more recent  immigration, particularly those spoken in Asia and Latin America, which showed  the largest gains.
Chinese  languages are the third largest mother-tongue group: 3% of the population  reported a Chinese language as the first language learned and still understood  in 2006.
Other software / Re: I can hardly wait
« on June 25th, 2011, 02:53 AM »
If it's any consolation, I for one appreciate what you guys are doing  :cool: Keep up the great work and like my granny used to say, the biskets will be served when they are done. Now go outside and play.  ::)
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 10th, 2011, 06:48 PM »
Nope. It's been there forever.
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 10th, 2011, 06:26 PM »
News release from NASA -

A new satelight was launched May 31,2011 dubbed SMF. NASA reported a mechanical failure that sent the satelight hurtling towards Jupiter. Hubble telescope was able to capture pictures of a spectacular crash in space as SMF became firmly wedged into Uranus.
The Pub / [Archive] Re: Logo Madness
« on June 6th, 2011, 10:17 PM »
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 5th, 2011, 04:44 PM »
Quote from Masterd on June 5th, 2011, 04:34 PM
Quote from Farjo on June 5th, 2011, 04:29 PM
including the languages update
Language updates are generated by Language Editor.
And how do you translate "We are all volunteers and it will be released when we get a round tuit" into 27 languages?

Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 5th, 2011, 04:32 PM »
Quote from Farjo on June 5th, 2011, 04:29 PM
"Language updates are actually irrelevant compared to the core release." - sure, but this one they'll want to include. As you say there's now no reason to delay the release so I guess the steps are 1. internal test of and around OpenID fix, 2. build the new version [1] including the languages update, 3. load it onto the site for a wider test, 4. release.

So my point above is that once we see the LLC disappear we'll know that steps 1-3 are complete.
 1. however long that takes
That's good for another 3 years of R&D.
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 1st, 2011, 09:43 AM »
Either would be cause for a constipated delay  :whistle:  Or as some of the support staff are fond of saying, "we are all vounteers, don't expect us to know the answer"
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 1st, 2011, 09:36 AM »
Quote from Lex on June 1st, 2011, 07:13 AM
As I understand it, there is a small asteroid that is being tackled as we speak - and the release will be made soon none the less. Even though a bit late of the promised schedual...
I'm sorry, was that asteroid or hemroid? I get confussed when it relates to SMF team.
Other software / Re: SMF 2.0 final THIS MONTH?
« on June 1st, 2011, 06:56 AM »
Reminds me of months of rumors about the war ending that dragged into years. And the doom sayers proclaiming they have the inside track about the end of days. Predictions, proclamations come and go as a non event just, in my humble opinion, to show they have the power to raise hopes and dash them against the wall.