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Messages - Road Rash Jr.
Off-topic / Re: Dial Up BBS
« on August 2nd, 2011, 12:35 AM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on August 1st, 2011, 08:28 PM
I'd be curious to know the average age of future Wedge users. I'd bet it'll be higher than Smf's Eheh. Even Dragooon can't change that!
There will be at least one old fart that will throw the average off  :whistle:  probably both ends of the diaper scale eh? :eheh:
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 31st, 2011, 06:33 PM »
Quote from Kat on July 31st, 2011, 05:19 PM
Funny how this thread's turned into an SMF slag-fest.

Pity, really, because it rather detracts from what my original post was about.

I felt pretty strongly about the ol' "Paid-for support" thing and I was hoping to see whether my opinions were total bollox, tiz all...
Not really Kat, it's all part and parcel with the general attitude and conduct of those currently in control. There is a general disregard for morals and respect of the users. It is so rapant that it reflects back on others like yourself. Your experience is nothing more than a different chapter in the same book.
For the record, though, I was (Maybe even still am!) Vice-President of SMF. Even I didn't have the ability to change people's avatars and all that shit.

Support team members and even the lead(s) can't either. Unless, of course, something pretty dramatic has changed, there, since I left. Which I, somehow, doubt.
Much of what occurred is well hidden. It only comes to light when others have had enough of the BS and speak out. More often than not, people feel it is hopeless to stand up against the bullies and simply move on, so this never comes to light either.
I can't count the number of people who sent me PM over there thanking me for taking a stand, feeling bad about the unjustified persecution, both staff and members, expressing having experienced the same abuse.
Someone with the powers found out because I made reference to all the complaints and support I got in PM's and those posts disappeared shortly after.
Someone is very skillful at covering their tracks, with fog and misdirection.
The fact that you are an outspoken person yet as VP have no access to many controls says a lot. I'm thinking someone doesn't want you to know the truth. Deniability puts you in a save corner and gives you some immunity when the shit does hit the fan. Keeping you in the dark also affords them with a reputable person saying things are not what they seem and make it viable.
If your position as VP gives no more of a voice than that of a puppet perhaps it's time you too stepped further out of the box they created.
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 30th, 2011, 10:06 PM »
How true  ::)
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 30th, 2011, 09:03 PM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on July 30th, 2011, 08:32 PM
The losers are their users --
That is catchy, may I reuse it?
Wedge is free? :yahoo: Damn what a concept, and here I was about to give up my first born (now 63) so if you can accomplish the impossible you're welcome to him. :whistle:
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 28th, 2011, 05:01 PM »
@AngelinaBelle, odd and inexplicable. Motive for ones actions and conduct towards others has long been an unanswerable query. Why is a bully a bully? Why do normally calm and rational people swarm a victim while others assist?

I can assure you no one but I have access to my computer.
So yeah who knows? With logs and records that can be easily altered or deleted without leaving a trace there is no clear answer.
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 28th, 2011, 12:34 AM »
Quote from Arantor on July 27th, 2011, 07:12 PM
Hmm. I understood that the team leads were able to modify accounts to the point of being able to alter groups (for SHOTM for example) but that there is something else at work.

Mind you, something to chew on: I was briefly involved with one of the efforts to work on the Cust site. And in doing that, I had access to FTP for the site and potential database access - so perhaps there is something amiss there...
I got banned for confronting whoever it was who kept changing my avatar which I never had on that forum and turning off my ability to remove it. Then they modified log account information to show I was loged in while I was in hospital.
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 28th, 2011, 12:27 AM »
Quote from ARG on July 27th, 2011, 06:17 PM
Well as you know, I can no longer log into my account at SMF due to one simple disagreement with a "Customizer" so I guess it's not my problem anymore either. 

Keeping with the topic, I wonder who I have to pay at SMF to regain access.  :mdr:
You too? Seems to be the theme of the month.
Other software / Re: Wedge and SMF directions
« on July 25th, 2011, 01:29 AM »
Quote from Bloc on July 25th, 2011, 01:26 AM
Quote from Road Rash on July 24th, 2011, 11:14 PM
Personally I like the original plan of you guys creating YOUR vision, what's important for the creativity is that it meets your needs and desires, not others.
Indeed, sometimes its easier to just say 'no' upfront. 

There always gonna be someone who wants Wedge to be something THEY want(heck, I am guilty of it too, trying to suggest stuff I consider good :P ) but in the end: follow your own goal, and see how it turns out. Only then can you adjust, if necessary - and only if you want to.
Well said Bloc  :cool:
Other software / Re: Wedge and SMF directions
« on July 24th, 2011, 11:14 PM »
FWIW I took the "I want" as a demand also and seems to be confirmed by her using Arantors not wishing to do it to justify her requesting the same from SMF mod'ers what she finds acceptable. Commonly known as playing one off against the other.
Personally I like the original plan of you guys creating YOUR vision, what's important for the creativity is that it meets your needs and desires, not others.

@Arantor - condolences
Other software / Re: "Paid for" shit.
« on July 23rd, 2011, 04:54 PM »
I have been through this discussion about democracy and bureaucracy many times and frequently both have taken a bum rap due to misunderstandings and mismanagement.

Think of both being a tool, that are designed and defined to proform a function and they both work well. However if the user does not understand the purpose, concept and proper use of the tool, when they use it inappropriately, it fails and it gets a bad reputation.

The failure is not the tool, but the person using it. In all cases of organizations and businesses this falls on the person (whether self appointed or elected) that is the top dog.
In this world, physics works in reverse, shit rolls up hill no matter how we try to redirect it, and the buck stops at the top.

Sometimes when the discussion or job is stalled the top person either gives direction to conclude or they take the role of benevolent dictator making the decision and direction.
Ultimately, if the leadership is inexperienced and weak, so it is down the line.
Incompetence does roll downhill and when it builds enough pressure at the bottleneck, shit starts to flow uphill.
Other software / Re: What happend to Sinan?
« on July 22nd, 2011, 04:20 PM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on July 22nd, 2011, 11:43 AM
(Road Rash, didn't you post a testimony here, yesterday, about the SMF team's lack of "civil manners"?)
yes I did but the more I thought about it the more it appeared to sound like sour grapes so I removed it. That and it was a year of torment by one individual with several who jumped on the band wagon that I'd rather forget. For many all they would have to do is take their blinders off and visit their site to see "civil manners" has gone down the civic toilet.

It's strange how a current situation unrelated to the great war is very similar. I guess the mentality of the school yard bully never changes from generation to generation. Face to face they are a coward, yet behind the keyboard they display the bravado of a swarming juvenile crowd. Gang Bangers I think the term is.

Only these guys use verbal attacks (word games and show a skill of twisting what a person says I have not seen since the Gestapo interrogations) and manipulation of facts and records to hide their deeds.

Fortunately as far as the consortium is concerned they have withdrawn support for this years R&D grant of $75,000.00 and have moved on. Since my bypass I have been relieved of several key positions but continue to work on my other passion, riding and flying. And when not doing either, reading this forum is good therapy and keeps the grey matter active. :cool:
Other software / Re: What happend to Sinan?
« on July 20th, 2011, 10:14 PM »
Quote from Kat on July 20th, 2011, 10:01 PM
Maybe I have more chance of pissing on the moon, though...
Now that is a Guinness moment  :cool:
Development blog / Re: Now with 97% more visuals!
« on July 16th, 2011, 02:02 AM »
Quote from Bloc on July 16th, 2011, 01:09 AM
I feel the WAY options are presented are often the problem. No-one likes long pages of tick'able boxes.
Personally I like pages of checkable boxes. (Edited) To me, It's all about admin choices. The only other alternative I see is a ON/OFF button if its the check box you don't like.
Plugins / [Naming poll] Re: Packages
« on July 12th, 2011, 07:02 PM »
Quote from Nao/Gilles on July 12th, 2011, 06:30 PM
A module adds to the functionality, as well :p[/quote]
Module Add-Ons
Module Modifications
Noun defined by verb.