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Since Wedge is 5.3+, maybe it's safe to simply up the min reqs to 5.4..?
Anti Spam->Configure Captcha images:
Is the Use of animated captcha images ticked.
Is the Use of animated captcha images ticked.
Anti Spam->Configure Captcha images:
Is the Use of animated captcha images ticked.
Is the Use of animated captcha images ticked.
After Upgrade server PHP Version to 5.5.25,i get an performance warning cache directory is not writable.
Did check permission setting and don't see anything weird.
Edit: Had to perform an owner reset on the files that had to do with Wedge. After reset owner,everything went back to normal,performance is oké now :)
After Upgrade server PHP Version to 5.5.25,i get an performance warning cache directory is not writable.
Did check permission setting and don't see anything weird.
Edit: Had to perform an owner reset on the files that had to do with Wedge. After reset owner,everything went back to normal,performance is oké now :)
After Upgrade server PHP Version to 5.5.25,i get an performance warning cache directory is not writable.
Did check permission setting and don't see anything weird.
Edit: Had to perform an owner reset on the files that had to do with Wedge. After reset owner,everything went back to normal,performance is oké now :)
After Upgrade server PHP Version to 5.5.25,i get an performance warning cache directory is not writable.
Did check permission setting and don't see anything weird.
Edit: Had to perform an owner reset on the files that had to do with Wedge. After reset owner,everything went back to normal,performance is oké now :)
- Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon
- Raspbian an unofficial port of Debian wheezy armhf installed on an Raspberry Pi Model B+ (512MB)
- OSMC (Open Source Media Center) with a Raspbian based filesystem (ARMv7 kernel) installed on an Raspberry Pi Model 2B (1Gb)
- CrunchBang Linux an Debian-based distribution
Video recording made with smartphone .... fireworks 16 stories high on the balcony
Video recording made with smartphone .... fireworks 16 stories high on the balcony