Hmm. Looking back, It seems that the reality isn't as clear cut as originally presented, and as such I revoke some of my hostility on this matter, as the NPO has not had access to all the assets and paperwork for in excess of a year.
While the NPO is older than a year, the final transfer didn't occur until this year, consequently they couldn't have filed for 501 status until that had occurred.
I won't go into the mindfuckery that occurred but let's just say that I was provided a few items of note that I'd suspected but not had confirmation of. But I now understand why there were delays in the transfer, and I'm willing to be a bit more broad minded than I was before.
However, I'm not exempting them from blame in this matter. They've still had quite a few months to work on it, it's been several months since the 2.0 release which post-dates the completion of the transfer, and all in all outside of the 4 months guideline mentioned above. I'm just more understanding now that it's quite a bit less than 14 months.
I will also note that had the team been a bit more open with people like Motoko-chan's request on the matter, the whole attitude could have been avoided.