Create and add a GitHub profile field into profile


  • All i want is a couple days off
  • Posts: 132
Create and add a GitHub profile field into profile
« on September 14th, 2014, 12:48 PM »
Go to Admin ->General Options ->Members ->Members Options ->Profilefields...........New Field (see screenshots)

Upload using FTP Github.png (see atachment) into assets/fields
add code below into Show Enclosed Within Text (Optional) field
Code: [Select]
<a href="{INPUT}" target="_blank" title="GitHub - {INPUT}"><img src="{IMAGES_URL}/fields/Github1.png" alt="GitHub - {INPUT}"></a>
Select your privacy under Who can see and edit this field

and add your GitHub username into GitHub field Forum profile.

📎 Github1.png - 4.07 kB, 16x16, viewed 137 times.