In which case you sort of missed the point of what I've been doing.
With each system I've been tackling it on its good points and its bad, reasonably objectively. Certainly that's the case with vB 3 and IPB 3, I'm interested in what the strengths and weaknesses of the platforms are. I'm looking at each platform to see if there's anything interesting or useful they've done that might inspire us.
MyBB... if you listen to its support community, one of its strengths is simply 'it's not SMF'. I want to understand if it is one of MyBB's strengths and if so, why. Does it mean there is something we need to change in Wedge? Is it just fanboys spitting out their cereal in disbelief? It's not about comparing the two as such, it's about understanding whether one of its supposed strengths really is one of its strengths.
I don't care about whether platform X is better than platform Y, and I'm certainly not anyone's review service. I'm not here to provide you recommendations for one platform over another and I'm sorry if that's all you're taking away from this series. I care whether platform X has features that we can implement or improve upon in Wedge.