1999 - according to wikiperdia, was indeed IE4...
However, IIRC, it was just IE at the time. and was actually not an inherent part of the operating system until IE5 with Win98 (I don't think IE was integral to Win95, was it?)
No, Win98 was released in 1998, so it couldn't have had IE5 if IE4 was out in 1999...
;)From what I can remember:
- IE1 was in MS Plus Pack for Win95, a stupid add-on.
- IE2 was a free download; it was great.
- IE3 added support for frames (which were primordial at the time), and had a better looking interface, but wasn't as fast as IE2.
- IE4 was released along with Win98, and this is the version that was 'tightly integrated', had support for dynamic desktops (news feed push), and crap like that; it was much slower than IE4 and more resource-intensive. I hated it, with all my heart.
- IE5 was released a year or two after that one. It was much better. That's when Netscape started to become a thing of the past, as it was becoming horribly bloated (Netscape Communicator...! Who remembers that one!)
- IE6 was even better. At the time, there was just no valid competition. Standards were an anachronism. The real standard was IE6... It hurts me to say that, but at the time, it seemed like an okay browser, and I used it for many years until I had my revelation with Opera 8. Lol.