Just wanted to discuss two things in notifications... The user side has many questions, so get prepared!
- On the code side: yesterday, I was a bit disappointed that it took so long (about an hour) for me to re-figure out how the system worked. I was expected to re-use Like_Notifier for thoughts, but it wasn't possible because thoughts don't have a topic ID. I'm okay with that, as most notifications won't have this problem anyway, but still... Isn't this whole OOP code a TAD too complicated..? I know that Dragooon (who wrote the original code) likes it, but I'm just wondering if there couldn't be a simpler way of doing things. Or, at the very least, ensuring there are LESS files to play with... Seriously, I still can't grasp why there's Class-Notifier, Class-Notification, Notification and Notify PHP files. I'd be willing to accept two files, but four is a bit much for me...
As I'm not planning to add class auto-loading to Wedge (first and foremost because I don't like the idea! Laziness is for users, not developers!), we could at least merge all classes into one file. Like I did for Class-Skeleton.php, which has both the dynamic weSkeleton class, and the wetem static class which is build on it, and renders the whole damn page.
- On the user side: should I make notifications closer to the Facebook system..? Well, I don't know, but if there's one thing that I don't think is questionable in usability over at FB, it's notifications. I'm okay with them. In fact, current notifications in Wedge are closer to FB's than Dragooon's original implementation. But there are things that I want to get opinions on.
a) Is it better to decrease the notification count once you've previewed a notification and it's marked as read, OR to reset it to zero when you've opened the notification popup, like on Facebook..? Notifications would still show as unread and all, and I could even still show the unread count once the popup is opened, but maybe it would be easier to catch your attention when the counter turns orange from gray, rather than increasing from 6 to 7 while staying orange. I tend to remember my latest number of notifications, but... Well, I'm still at 25 unread notifications, and 20 unanswered PMs. (So, if you're wondering why I'm not answering your PM(s)... Please, I prefer forum posts, where it's easier for me to keep track of things, and reply with my phone if needed! The mobile skin has yet to do things about the PM template, it's just not usable on mobile right now.)
b) There's currently a small bug in grouped notifications. Again, this feature was implemented by Dragooon, and I haven't touched it at all (I think), and I think it's a good thing and all, but I'd rather see, in addition to what's already shown, the number of likes I've gotten since last time on a particular post, instead of just the name of the first liker. I think it would be swell. I don't remember if that number is stored, though, but I can always do something about that... However, UI-wise... If more than 1 like, should I show a name at all? Maybe '2 persons liked your post', and then if you click Preview, Wedge shows you a list of all recent likers, and then the preview of the post...? Or just show like now, just one name, and a number next to it? That would need explaining... Or show "Dragooon and 2 others liked your post"? But that one implies additional language strings, and for each of the notification types.
c) Should I add a 'Mark all as read' button at the bottom of the notification popup...?
d) I'm still planning for a 'Mark unread' button to show up below post previews in notifications, to revert an automatic markread. And a 'Mark read' below PM previews, to force a markread, obviously. What else should be there next to these options..?
- On the code side: yesterday, I was a bit disappointed that it took so long (about an hour) for me to re-figure out how the system worked. I was expected to re-use Like_Notifier for thoughts, but it wasn't possible because thoughts don't have a topic ID. I'm okay with that, as most notifications won't have this problem anyway, but still... Isn't this whole OOP code a TAD too complicated..? I know that Dragooon (who wrote the original code) likes it, but I'm just wondering if there couldn't be a simpler way of doing things. Or, at the very least, ensuring there are LESS files to play with... Seriously, I still can't grasp why there's Class-Notifier, Class-Notification, Notification and Notify PHP files. I'd be willing to accept two files, but four is a bit much for me...
As I'm not planning to add class auto-loading to Wedge (first and foremost because I don't like the idea! Laziness is for users, not developers!), we could at least merge all classes into one file. Like I did for Class-Skeleton.php, which has both the dynamic weSkeleton class, and the wetem static class which is build on it, and renders the whole damn page.
- On the user side: should I make notifications closer to the Facebook system..? Well, I don't know, but if there's one thing that I don't think is questionable in usability over at FB, it's notifications. I'm okay with them. In fact, current notifications in Wedge are closer to FB's than Dragooon's original implementation. But there are things that I want to get opinions on.
a) Is it better to decrease the notification count once you've previewed a notification and it's marked as read, OR to reset it to zero when you've opened the notification popup, like on Facebook..? Notifications would still show as unread and all, and I could even still show the unread count once the popup is opened, but maybe it would be easier to catch your attention when the counter turns orange from gray, rather than increasing from 6 to 7 while staying orange. I tend to remember my latest number of notifications, but... Well, I'm still at 25 unread notifications, and 20 unanswered PMs. (So, if you're wondering why I'm not answering your PM(s)... Please, I prefer forum posts, where it's easier for me to keep track of things, and reply with my phone if needed! The mobile skin has yet to do things about the PM template, it's just not usable on mobile right now.)
b) There's currently a small bug in grouped notifications. Again, this feature was implemented by Dragooon, and I haven't touched it at all (I think), and I think it's a good thing and all, but I'd rather see, in addition to what's already shown, the number of likes I've gotten since last time on a particular post, instead of just the name of the first liker. I think it would be swell. I don't remember if that number is stored, though, but I can always do something about that... However, UI-wise... If more than 1 like, should I show a name at all? Maybe '2 persons liked your post', and then if you click Preview, Wedge shows you a list of all recent likers, and then the preview of the post...? Or just show like now, just one name, and a number next to it? That would need explaining... Or show "Dragooon and 2 others liked your post"? But that one implies additional language strings, and for each of the notification types.
c) Should I add a 'Mark all as read' button at the bottom of the notification popup...?
d) I'm still planning for a 'Mark unread' button to show up below post previews in notifications, to revert an automatic markread. And a 'Mark read' below PM previews, to force a markread, obviously. What else should be there next to these options..?