New BBC tags introduced in Wedge.
![]() Posted by Nao, on May 7th, 2011, 01:00 PM (6,973 views)
Feature: Spoiler tag
Developer: Nao Target: users, geeks Status: 100% (complete.) Comment: Just as the name implies, use the spoiler tag to hide sensitive information by default. Perfect to discuss recently released fiction. Or whatever. 10 replies |
Feature: Footnotes
Developer: Nao Target: users, geeks Status: 99% (one minor bug left to fix. Doesn't happen much often.) Comment: This is THE other feature (apart from auto-saved drafts) for you übergeeks who like to speak a lot. You're just like me, you can't stop yourself from drifting into off-topic territory and discuss which 4th season is the best between Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica[1] when you originally posted to flame someone who gave bad hints on how to bake sour dough. Well, just use the nb tag and be done with it. Separate your content from the aside.
2 replies |
![]() Posted by Nao, on May 7th, 2011, 01:00 PM (1,605 views)
Feature: URL trimming
Developer: Nao Target: users Status: 100% (complete.) Comment: A simple feature, but it's still nice. Thanks to JayBachatero for the inspiration. When you post a link by pasting the URL, Wedge will cut it off if it's too long. Also, if it's still too long to show even after cutting it off, it should be split over two lines. :edit: This feature was actually rewritten in January 2013 to use JavaScript exclusively and allow for copy & paste. :) 2 replies |
Feature: More tag
Developer: Arantor & Nao Target: users Status: 100% (believed to be complete.) Comment: The [more] BBC tag can be used to set a clear break between a post's introduction and its main body. If present, the post will be cut at the more tag whenever it's shown outside the actual topic page (including RSS feeds.) Very useful for blog posts. Or whatever, really. |