Recent Posts Issue?
« on September 28th, 2014, 09:15 PM »
If look at attached image, look inside the red boxes.
Seems that here at the site, the recent posts at top does not match the sidebar's report of the most recent post.

Recent post block shows:

Today at 11:29 AM by BurkeKnight
   Archived fixes > Shorten Subjects in Stats

Where the sidebar shows:

Latest Post: "Re: Input #userspec" (Yesterday at 04:54 PM)

Which is the 2nd latest updated thread.

When I replied to the thread today, is was in reply to another post there today.

So, is this some strange bug, or is the Archived Board somehow ignored by the sidebar stats block?

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  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,079
Re: Recent Posts Issue?
« Reply #1, on October 18th, 2014, 08:40 PM »
I'm not even sure whether it's the SMF behavior or not...

Can anyone confirm?

Archived Fixes is a sub-board to Bug Reports, and isn't "requested" by the board index because of its position, and thus the last post date isn't calculated for it -- and not taken into account in the stats area. :-/
Re: Recent Posts Issue?
« Reply #2, on October 18th, 2014, 11:22 PM »
Had a quick look at the SMF codebase, and it's doing the same.

So, basically, one would have to actually store the latest post for each board into a new fields in the boards table, then on the board index, retrieve the most recent post ID from all of these pertaining to boards you can read, and then it works... Except if the last post belongs to a topic with a privacy level you don't have clearance for, of course. In which case, back to square one.

Seems too weak to me...

Alternatively, just have an extra query requesting the last id_msg altogether, with a {query_see_topic} restriction, and then we're done.
It's an extra query, yeah... But it should be very fast.