Confirmed issue list


  • "a valuable asset to the community"
  • Posts: 492
Confirmed issue list
« on February 27th, 2014, 10:15 PM »Last edited on November 17th, 2014, 01:30 AM
Below is a list of confirmed issues.

If you have a new issue do not reply here but rather create a new topic.

If your existing topic is not listed please post to that topic to let me know, and likewise if a coder feels that an issue is resolved please post to that topic.

8414 Posting pictures on posts generates 8 errors

8339 Calendar bugs

8444 Email notifications not all working

8393 (8467) Version check "More details" gives errors; link to be removed

8511 Mass attach plugin can post the wrong attachment

8602 Sending error to member with quotes in name

8640 Some bugs with allow_guestAccess

8519 New board error

8018 add_plugin_css_file issues

8585 Pretty URLs - users cannot browse new posts

8649 [Topic privacy] Messages are readable by guests

8670 8697 Changing order of boards not seen by members

8695 Recent Posts Issue

8692 Collapse Forum

8193 8368 8564 Periodic notifications

8627 [Proxy Settings] X-Forwarded-For not recognized

8645 [BBCode] Allowed img HTML Tag not displayed

8655 Mismatched case in IMG tags causes tag not to be recognised

8522 Intrusion log: Request did not contain 'Accept' header

8658 viewremote latest-news.js error

8661 Advanced Options for Permissions not working

7446 No error box on preview for new thread with no subject

8151 bbc parser appends end-tag where no start-tag exists

8132 Wrong html for browser title for PM sent box

8435 LiteSpeed + Pretty URLs = cannot reply

7463 Duplicate language strings

8721 8653 Homepage, Custom contents, topics:x not changing number of topics shown

8679 Post time / time zones

(click to show/hide)
Fixed 16/2 Pretty URLs causing 404s

Fixed 18/2 Notifications db update etc

Fixed 20/2

Fixed 17/2 Birthdays plugin

Fixed 20/2 Unable to browse site IE9

Fixed 23/2 'Fatal error' deleting album

Fixed 21/2 Pretty URL unable to post

Fixed 26/2 Date format is incorrect

The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: id_file

Fixed 2/3 Action field can be empty in Admin & Mod logs

Fixed 4/3 Setting members options do not update members' options

Fixed 4/3 Text is empty / WYSIWYG error

Fixed 8/3 Pictures overlap the sidebar

Fixed 27/3 Allow editing of subfoldered languages

Fixed 27/3 Modifying message icon gives error

Solved Error 500 when changing gallery symbol

Closed Adding new Media embed thingy doesn't work

'Modify Profile' dropmenu shows two 'Notifications' items (UI work in progress)

Fixed 08/4 External png images not resized

Fixed April New Post is indicated where none exists

follow_me() intermittent bug

Fixed: HTML5 validation

Fixed Language selected when not available

Fixed 17/4 Sub language folders are not recognised by installer

Attachments not found after import

Topic privacy setting ignored when using topic's URL direct

Working email notifications are missing links

Two columns and Firefox on narrow windows

Welcome Text: Change to admin setting


Fixed Rank stars not imported ?due to name change star.gif to rank.gif

Fixed Importing member fields into

Implementation of changes to notifications


  • Living on the edge of Wedge
  • Posts: 635
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #1, on February 27th, 2014, 10:26 PM »
This error is not reproducable. It happend during runtime. Fixed it in DB. So it can safely marked as solved till it hit up again.Think this one is solved. Forum is live.
# dpkg-reconfigure brain
error: brain is not installed or configured


  • "a valuable asset to the community"
  • Posts: 492
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #2, on February 28th, 2014, 09:06 AM »
I've changed the list for the first one and moved the thread into the Archive.

The second one - perhaps Nao wants it there to remind him to look at Lightspeed / do ("I imagine I should look deeper"), so I've moved it to the 'Later' section, because it's not a pre-alpha thing.

Thank you :)


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #3, on March 27th, 2014, 08:01 PM »
I've done 5 or 6 entries here... From what I could see, most of the problems are things I can't fix in Wedge. :(

Oh my, I'll never get this list done. And it's only a subset of the full list of issues...!!
Posted: March 27th, 2014, 07:57 PM

Note: the 'Importing to' topic is considered done. :)


  • "a valuable asset to the community"
  • Posts: 492
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #4, on March 27th, 2014, 09:35 PM »
Yes you will.

Which ones cannot be fixed in Wedge?


  • Dadman with a boy
  • Posts: 16,082
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #6, on October 18th, 2014, 11:36 PM »
Do all of the remaining topics in the OP need to be addressed?

Also, could someone look through all of the recent (i.e. 2014) topics in this board, and bump those that seem to require my attention? For instance, anything that is just a 'quick fix' on my side would be nice. It's not that I'm lazy -- I just don't have time to work on big thingies. I wasted a few days working on an extension of the Like system that I ended up ditching (for now?), so I'm a bit wary of doing that again.


  • "a valuable asset to the community"
  • Posts: 492
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #7, on November 11th, 2014, 02:28 AM »
I stopped updating this when I read that you did not use it. But I can go through the list and topics if it'll help.
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #8, on November 12th, 2014, 03:54 AM »
Bit of a rush job but done. Please everyone check that their bugs are on the list and bump any that are not.
Re: Confirmed issue list
« Reply #9, on November 14th, 2014, 04:39 AM »
Quote from Nao on October 18th, 2014, 11:36 PM
Also, could someone look through all of the recent (i.e. 2014) topics in this board, and bump those that seem to require my attention?
@Nao  The posts that perhaps need your attention are:

And then there's 20 or so of Arantor's threads regarding SMF known bugs e.g.$_session-login_url-misbehaves-especially-from-ssi/