Setting cookies are no different then RFID's, how is it they are trying to frown on one and not the other. IMHO this law is BS and I still believe if any consent should be done it should be done on the client end and not the server.
Actually if you read the laws it's not exactly about using cookies. It's about using methods to track users, of which cookies is the most well known and most entrenched. localStorage is mentioned indirectly but because it's not sent automatically every request it's actually much less of a threat.
We are delivering content, we shouldn't be responsible for figuring out these stupid cookie laws.
Read the laws. You're responsible for the data you're sending. Is it wrong that you should be reasonably accountable for the data that you have control over? That's really what we're arguing about here: the right of site owners not to be held accountable for what data is collected about users. Why should you have that right?
What we are going to do soon read a 1,000 page manual of all the laws of the internet just to set up a personal webpage. Talk about some real treats to freedom of speech.
While I understand your sentiment, I'm not opposed to *some* regulation, handled sanely. The web is a wilderness as it is, and frankly it would do some good for some proper sane regulation, but no-one can be trusted to enforce it without the inevitable cries of censorship.
What is freedom of speech? Does the right of freedom of speech entitle you to publish content banned in some countries? Is freedom of speech a legitimate defence for 'child porn'? Before campaigning for freedom, you would do well to understand what the flipside of having those freedoms is.
So would I like to see it as a software solution? I have to be honest here if a software is built around this then IMHO it isn't worth installing. If a software has this as a portion of it it must be configurable and not interfere with the software if disabled. Mainly this is worthy of a plugin and not a core component.
Now you understand my dilemma. I AM IN THE UK, I HAVE TO CONTEND WITH THIS LAW. But not only do I have to contend with this law for my own stuff (which I haven't yet, I would add), Wedge has a responsibility to deal with it too.
But more importantly, as a site owner you have to be responsible about the data you're sending. Is that really such a big deal for you? What the hell happened to accountability and taking responsibility?
Why are so many people wanting to avoid having to take some responsibility for what they're doing? Why, also, are there so many revolutionaries that are all talk and no action? I hear an awful lot of people that want to stick it to The Man, but I don't see anyone much actually doing anything about it.